November 11, 2023
minute read

Webflow vs. WordPress vs. Durable: Which is Better?


Tech changes super fast. For example, Statista predicted tech will grow by 104% from 2018 to 2023.

This means the tools we use to make websites are changing, too.

First, we had WordPress. It was a big thing. Then, Webflow came along, making things a bit easier. And now? We have Durable, an AI website builder that allows you to create a website in 30 seconds for $0.

So, which one should you pick? It's a tough choice. We'll help you decide by looking at what each tool does best, its features, prices, and pros and cons. By the end, you'll know which one's right for you.

Webflow vs. WordPress vs. Durable at a Glance

  • Webflow is known for its design-centric approach, allowing for pixel-perfect designs. It’s best suited for those who have a good grasp of design concepts but might not be hardcore coders.
  • WordPress has a powerful content management system and plugin architecture that allows endless customization. It’s ideal for those with more tech knowledge who want more control.
  • Durable stands out because of its AI-driven functionalities. It delivers high-quality websites in seconds, making the process smooth even for complete beginners or those pressed for time.
Feature Webflow WordPress Durable
Ease of Use & Customization Visual design tools; limited templates Extensive plugin ecosystem with over 11,000 templates; steeper learning curve AI-driven designs; super intuitive interface
SEO Capabilities Built-in basic SEO tools Comprehensive with plugins; dominant in the industry AI-assisted SEO; built-in features but may require fine-tuning
Integrations & Apps Limited in-house integrations; third-party apps available Extensive plugin library; virtually unlimited options Key integrations like Calendly and Stripe; AI-enhanced marketing tools
Content Management Decent CMS; design-focused Robust CMS; widely recognized as industry-leading Simplified, AI-enhanced CMS
In-Built Marketing Tools Basic built-in tools; relies on third-party integrations Comprehensive with plugins; more options available Advanced AI marketing tools, including ad generation
Pricing Mid-range to premium pricing based on features Free core with costs for hosting & premium plugins Transparent and competitive pricing with three main plans starting at $0

Durable Overview

Durable is an innovative AI-powered website builder designed to streamline the website creation process.

In contrast to traditional website builders like WordPress and Webflow, Durable generates a fully functional and aesthetically pleasing website in 30 seconds. 

This rapid AI website generator sets Durable apart from competitors like Webflow, which often requires extensive user input and time.

A major advantage is its all-inclusive package. When you opt for Durable, we give you hosting services, detailed analytics, and a custom domain name. This bundled approach simplifies the task of establishing an online presence.

We recognize that many entrepreneurs often find themselves overwhelmed with the intricacies of website development. Our platform strips away the technicalities. We empower business owners, allowing them to swiftly set up their websites, ensuring they can dedicate more time and energy to managing their businesses.

Having previously experimented with platforms like WordPress or Webflow, many users found those avenues challenging or limiting. Durable offers a refreshing alternative, eliminating the complexities and allowing you to achieve your desired website outcome.

Durable Core Features

  • Ease of Use and Customization
  • AI-Enhanced Marketing Tools
  • Integrated CRM and Invoicing

1. Ease of Use and Customization

WordPress and Webflow have relatively user-friendly interfaces. While these platforms have done a commendable job streamlining the website creation process, Durable takes this simplicity to a new level.

One, consider the initial steps required to generate a website. Instead of navigating through an array of complex settings and options or choosing themes, Durable asks you just three straightforward questions:

  • What type of business do you have?
  • Where is your business located?
  • What's the name of your business?

With these three pieces of information, our platform’s sophisticated AI gets to work, crafting an AI website tailored to your specific needs. 

Durable ensures that every site it crafts is primed for search engines. We achieve this by incorporating industry-relevant keywords and high-quality images that resonate with the business's nature. 

SEO optimization is embedded into the core website generation process, ensuring every Durable website has a strong starting point for online visibility.

You might be wondering how Durable achieves such targeted and relevant website generation. 

Our advanced AI has been trained on thousands of industry-specific websites. This vast database enables Durable AI to discern patterns, trends, and best practices for various business niches. 

So, when a user specifies their business type, we create a site that mirrors the best in that industry, combining optimal design with content strategies.

Another thing is you aren't locked into the initial design. You can tweak, modify, and adapt your generated site.

Our editor is intuitive and easy to use. Everyone can use it, even the non-tech-savvy solopreneurs. You don’t need to hire developers or designers.

You can change themes, color palettes, fonts, content, and images with just a few clicks. You can also regenerate sections and let the AI help you if the initial design doesn’t satisfy you.

Durable uses a WYSIWYG editor. You see changes in real time. As you make adjustments, the changes reflect immediately, allowing you to see how each tweak affects your site's overall look and feel.

Editing content and style in a Durable editor

This instant feedback saves time and enables a more iterative and creative process, eliminating the guesswork and back-and-forth typically associated with website design.

In addition, our editor prioritizes mobile responsiveness. With the increasing number of users accessing websites on mobile devices, a site must look and function well on all screen sizes. 

Durable ensures that any changes you make in the editor are automatically optimized for mobile view, taking out the tedious task of adjusting layouts for different devices.

2. AI-Enhanced Marketing Tools

The online space is becoming increasingly competitive. Businesses must leverage every tool at their disposal to gain an edge.

Advertising plays a pivotal role, particularly on platforms like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. These platforms house billions of users. They are prime territories for businesses to target potential customers. But it's about more than just being on these platforms. It's about making a statement, standing out, and grabbing attention.

For example, people turn to Google when they want answers or solutions. Having a persuasive ad here means placing your business directly in front of individuals actively searching for what you offer. It's about seizing that micro-moment, a split second when potential customers decide whose service or product to go for.

Now, instead of spending hours thinking over the perfect ad copy, our AI copywriter crafts compelling, platform-specific content tailored to your business.

This AI-driven approach ensures consistency, relevancy, and adaptability in your ads. Given that it’s trained on vast amounts of high-performing ad data, it captures what makes an advertisement successful.

Using the tool is straightforward. Navigate to the "Marketing" section on your website’s dashboard. Select "Create promotion" and choose the desired platform, like "Google Ad." The tool will guide you through the rest, ensuring the output aligns with your brand's voice and message.

Creating an ad using Google Ad Writer

After generating the ads, you can save them on your dashboard. Within months, you will have a database of ads that performed best and those that didn't quite hit the mark.

This database becomes an invaluable resource for refining your marketing strategies. By analyzing the performance metrics of each ad, you can discern patterns and gain insights into what resonates with your target audience and what falls flat.

Over time, this continuous feedback loop allows for iterative improvements. You can draw inspiration from the top-performing ads, tweaking and repurposing them for future campaigns.

3. Integrated CRM and Invoicing

Integrated CRM and invoicing are game-changers for any business, especially those in their growth phase. Their importance is multifaceted and directly influences a business's operational efficiency, customer relationships, and revenue streams. 

Therefore, having them integrated into your website is a huge bonus. 

Starting with Durable AI CRM, traditionally, CRM tools have been more generalized. Sometimes, this leaves the unique needs of smaller enterprises needing to be addressed.

Recognizing that small businesses often face constraints in terms of workforce and time, our CRM uses AI to automate and optimize tasks. 

For instance, a potential client fills out a contact form on your website inquiring about your products. Instead of waiting for human intervention, Durable's CRM instantly sends an automated, personalized response acknowledging the query. This immediacy increases the chances of client conversion.

Take another scenario. Imagine you receive an email from a returning customer with a specific query. The system analyzes past conversations with that particular client by syncing your email with Durable CRM. Based on this historical data, the CRM generates a unique customer response. 

If a client had previously expressed interest in a particular product range, the automated response could highlight the latest offerings in that category, making the communication more targeted and effective.

Durable AI CRM 

Then, we have the invoicing tool. This integration simplifies what has traditionally been a cumbersome process for many businesses.

Efficient invoicing is vital for maintaining a steady cash flow — a challenge many small businesses face. The integrated invoicing software helps you create professional invoices quickly and ensures flexible payment options. 

Today's customers value convenience. By allowing them to pay via credit cards, ACH, or even Apple Pay, you're enhancing their user experience, which could lead to more consistent payments and possibly even increased orders.

In addition, the seamless sync between the CRM and invoicing ensures automation. When a deal is closed or a service is provided, instead of manually entering details, the invoicing system pulls data from the CRM, generates an invoice, and sends it to the client without missing.

This level of integration makes Durable one of the best AI website builders available. Why? Because it results in fewer errors, faster payments, and gives you more time to focus on growing your business.

Durable Pricing

We provide a clear and concise pricing model tailored to the varied needs of its users:

Free Plan

For SMBs, individuals and entrepreneurs looking to get their online business live for $0.

Startup Plan

  • Monthly Billing: $15/month
  • Annual Billing: $12/month 
  • This is best suited for those beginning their entrepreneurial journey or individuals managing a side project or hobby.

Business Plan

  • Monthly Billing: $25/month
  • Annual Billing: $20/month
  • Crafted for businesses ready to elevate their presence and operations, this package offers advanced features that can propel a business forward. You get unlimited contacts, unlimited invoices, and unlimited AI-generated promotions.

Plans have a 30-day money-back guarantee, giving you the confidence to try Durable. 

Positives of Durable

  • Intuitive editor eliminates the need for developers or designers, making it user-friendly.
  • Transparent and affordable pricing structures, backed with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  • Unlimited features in the Business Plan offer scalability for growing businesses.

Downsides of Durable

  • The emphasis on simplicity might limit advanced customization options for seasoned developers.
  • As a relatively new platform, it may lack some integrations established website builders offer.

Webflow Overview

Webflow is a Software as a Service (SaaS) website builder made for users who want to craft websites with a designer's touch but might not have deep coding knowledge.

With WordPress, you sometimes need to delve into code or use plugins for certain designs. However, this WordPress alternative offers a more direct approach.

Weblow allows you to drag, drop, resize, and redesign elements, seeing the changes in real-time. It's intuitive and doesn’t require jumping between design and preview modes.

Webflow also lets you take control of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript without actually writing the code. When you’re designing, Webflow works in the background, generating clean, semantic code ready to be published. 

You're getting a visual builder and a tool that produces high-quality, developer-friendly results.

In addition, Webflow offers a powerful CMS, allowing you to create content-rich pages easily. This CMS integrates with the design process, letting you pull live content into any page and manage it over time without leaving the Webflow environment.

For those looking for flexibility and scalability, Webflow handles everything from personal blogs to full-fledged e-commerce sites.

Ease of use is another of Webflow's strong points. While not as simple as Durable, it balances functionality and user-friendliness well.

Webflow Core Features

  • Visual Drag-and-Drop Interface
  • CMS Integration
  • Integrations

1. Visual Drag-and-Drop Interface

Webflow uses a drag-and-drop system. You select web elements and place them on your desired position on a page. 

The process is like dragging items on a desktop or moving apps on a smartphone screen.

When getting started, building with Webflow is easier compared to some WordPress. 

Webflow provides tools and guides, like the “Webflow 101” course, which offers beginners an insight into building websites using this interface. It's designed to help you navigate and understand the drag-and-drop feature.

To start with, Webflow has over 100 responsive website templates. Once you choose a template, or even if you start from scratch, the drag-and-drop interface has a collection of over 20 design elements, often referred to as blocks.

These range from basic items like headers and paragraphs to more complex structures. You can place, adjust, and customize each block on a webpage.

Webflow drag-and-drop editor

A handy feature within the drag-and-drop system is turning specific structures, like footers or nav bars, into reusable components. If you design a specific header, you can save this design and reuse it across different pages, ensuring consistency without repeated effort.

Webflow's drag-and-drop system isn't limited to basic placements. It also integrates the principles of CSS grid layouts. This provides you with the ability to create more flexible and responsive designs. The grid-based approach means you can arrange blocks in a manner that adapts to different screen sizes and devices.

Within the drag-and-drop interface, users can add a touch of creativity with CSS filters.

These filters can adjust the look and feel of any element on a Webflow website. In addition, users can introduce interactions and animations, providing dynamic elements to a site without needing to delve into complex codes like JavaScript.

2. CMS Integration

Webflow integrates a content management system (CMS) in its platform that organizes and manages content efficiently.

For developers, Webflow offers a CMS API. You can directly interact with your content via programming. This is useful for automation or seamless integration with other apps and tools you might be using.

If you're keen on streamlining content from other platforms, Webflow's integration with Zapier allows content from various apps directly into the Webflow CMS.

The platform also understands the importance of SEO and simplifies it for users. Instead of manually adjusting SEO settings for each piece of content, you can set up templates. Webflow then auto-generates SEO-friendly tags.

Dynamic content management is where Webflow's CMS shines more. Manual sorting, filtering, and consistent page templating are time-consuming. But Webflow offers features like automatic content sorting based on date, topic, or other criteria and the auto-generation of page templates for collections.

Collaboration is also easier with Webflow. You can invite clients or team members to the platform. They can make edits, swap images, or review form entries without disrupting the design.

Finally, Webflow has an RSS feed feature in the CMS platform for content collections. This lets readers subscribe and get updates via popular apps like Feedly. For the tech-savvy, you can integrate these feeds into other tools, amplifying content reach and engagement.

3. Integrations

Webflow places a strong emphasis on integrations. To cater to this, they've introduced their marketplace.

This marketplace allows you to find and connect apps tailored specifically for Webflow sites.

Further to its marketplace, Webflow has incorporated a range of direct integrations that complement its platform.

For starters, there's the Google Analytics integration. Integrating Google Analytics lets you get insights into user behavior, helping you make informed decisions to enhance your site's performance and user experience.

Then, there's the domain purchase aspect. Setting up a website also means getting a custom domain. You can purchase it directly within the Webflow platform with its Google Domains partnership.

For those who are keen on website performance and user experience, Webflow integrates with Google Optimize. This feature allows you to conduct A/B or multivariate tests on your website. You can run these tests by inputting the Google Optimize container ID in the project settings, gathering crucial data to refine your site's design and content based on real user interactions.

Webflow Pricing

Webflow has structured its pricing to accommodate both general website needs and specialized e-commerce requirements.

General Plans

  • Starter: This plan is free of charge and ideal for those still trying to get a feel of Webflow.
  • Basic:$14 per month. For those looking to launch a straightforward website.
  • CMS: $23 per month. Designed for content-driven platforms.
  • Enterprise: Comes with features that provide enterprise-level security, compliance, and scalability. Get in touch with Webflow to get a customized quote.

E-commerce Plans

  • Standard: $29 per month. For budding businesses.
  • Plus: $74 per month. Offers more advanced features suitable for scaling operations.
  • Advanced:  $212 per month. Offers a suite of features that can handle the demands of a growing online store.

Positives of Webflow

  • Ability to generate clean, exportable code.
  • The platform combines a superior design tool with high-performance integrated hosting.
  • Webflow has a solid content management system (CMS).
  • The component cloning feature is notably beneficial.

What Could Be Better

  • Users occasionally need third-party solutions to compensate for Webflow's limitations.
  • In certain scenarios, the pricing can be prohibitive.
  • The costs for e-commerce solutions don’t give value for money with the features provided.
  • Webflow has its own learning curve, like any other CMS platform.

WordPress Overview

WordPress is a versatile content management system (CMS) that began its journey as a blogging platform.

It has, however, evolved and today powers over 43% of all websites using content management systems. 

Developed using PHP and paired with a MySQL database, WordPress allows individuals and businesses of all sizes to create a wide range of websites, from personal blogs to e-commerce stores, portfolios, news outlets, and more.

WordPress is open-source software, which means its source code is freely available. This open nature has fostered a vast community of developers, designers, and enthusiasts who continuously contribute to its growth, offering thousands of themes for design customization and plugins for extended functionality. 

These plugins transform a basic WordPress site into almost any online platform, from forums and social networks to online marketplaces.

WordPress has an intuitive dashboard that lets you manage your content, modify site appearance, and configure settings without needing deep technical expertise. 

Furthermore, WordPress supports multimedia content, allowing easy images, videos, and audio files to be integrated.

WordPress Core Features

  • Plugin Ecosystem
  • Themes and Customization
  • Robust CMS

1. Plugin Ecosystem

One of the unique selling points of WordPress is its plugin ecosystem. Over the years, this ecosystem has emerged as a game-changer, setting WordPress apart from other content management systems.

The official WordPress plugin repository boasts over 59,000 plugins, covering many functionalities. 

This means you’re not confined to the core features of WordPress. You can extend your site's capabilities per our unique needs — for example, adding social media sharing buttons, creating booking systems, or setting up membership areas.

The plugin system is modular. Website owners can choose the functionalities they need without burdening their site with unnecessary features. 

This modular approach keeps the site lightweight and ensures the backend remains clean and organized.

Many WordPress plugins are also open source — their code is freely available. This open nature allows developers to collaborate, innovate, and enhance these plugins. Such a community-driven approach ensures that plugins are continually updated to adapt to:

  • Changing user behaviors
  • SEO trends
  • Technological advancements
  • Security threats

While the open nature of plugins is a strength, it also brings challenges. The decentralized development means a vast range of quality and security standards. However, WordPress and its community are highly proactive in addressing security concerns.

Another aspect of the plugin ecosystem is its integration capabilities. First, it’s so easy to install a plugin. Go to “Plugins” on the WordPress dashboard and click “Add New”. Choose a plugin and click “Install” and then “Activate”.

Many plugins are designed to integrate WordPress with other platforms and services seamlessly.

For instance, e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce can integrate with payment gateways, email plugins can connect with email marketing platforms, and SEO plugins can integrate with analytics tools.

2. Themes and Customization

WordPress has a steep learning curve compared to Durable and Webflow. However, this initial investment in time and effort is worth it, especially regarding themes and customization.

One might argue that this depth and flexibility make WordPress a heavyweight in website building despite beginners' challenges.

With thousands of free and premium themes available — over 11,000 — WordPress caters to every conceivable niche. Whether you're launching a personal blog, an online store, or a corporate website, there's likely a theme tailored for that purpose. This extensive variety ensures you aren't boxed into a particular design or functionality.

However, where WordPress truly shines is the level of customization it offers. Once a theme is activated, you're not limited to its default settings. 

Through the Customizer, you can tweak various elements like color palettes,  typography, etc., and see these changes in real-time.

For those who are more tech-savvy, the possibilities are nearly limitless. Advanced users can modify the PHP, HTML, and CSS with access to the theme's core files. This duality, where beginners and experts can find tools and features attuned to their needs, makes WordPress so popular.

Additionally, the feature of child themes in WordPress helps you preserve your customizations. By working on a child theme, you can make modifications without affecting the parent theme. This layered approach means that updates or changes to the original theme won't inadvertently erase or overwrite any personalized tweaks.

WordPress themes are also mobile responsive.

3. Robust CMS

WordPress started as a blogging platform. Its primary focus was, and remains, content.

Over the years, it has evolved exponentially, accommodating various content types and styles. WordPress has all the features you need integrated if you're looking to publish a simple blog post, create an extensive media library, or manage a repository of articles and pages.

Its intuitive dashboard makes it simpler for non-technical users to add, edit, and manage content. 

With the block visual editor, you can format text, add media, and structure content effortlessly without touching a line of code.

WordPress blog editor

For users who want more granular control, the WordPress text editor allows you to manipulate content using HTML and CSS.

Editing with code in WordPress

Categories and tags offer another layer of organization. With them, you can structure your content in ways that make sense for your audience, ensuring that readers can easily navigate your site and find relevant information.

These taxonomies improve site SEO, making content discoverable through search engines.

Beyond standard posts and pages, you can create unique content tailored to your needs. For example, you can do a product listing, a portfolio, or a testimonial.

Version control is another important feature of WordPress. There are plugins available that offer version control functionality.

WordPress Pricing

WordPress is free software since it's open source. However, the costs of running a WordPress website vary based on several factors. Here's a general breakdown of the potential costs:

  • Domain Name: Costs between $10 to $50 per year.
  • Web Hosting: Shared hosting costs $3-$10 monthly. However, as your site grows, you might consider higher-tier hosting solutions like VPS, managed WordPress hosting, or even dedicated hosting. These range from $20 to $100+ per month.
  • Themes: A one-time fee costs between $30 to $100.
  • Plugins: Can range from $15 to $200+ either as a one-time fee or yearly subscription.
  • Developer Fees: If you want custom functionalities or design tweaks and can't manage them independently, you might need to hire a developer. Rates vary greatly based on the complexity of the task and the developer's expertise, ranging from $20 to $150+ per hour.

Positives of WordPress

  • WordPress offers unmatched flexibility and customization potential through its extensive plugin and theme ecosystem.
  • Its robust CMS allows for efficient content management, suitable for bloggers to large enterprises.
  • The platform supports a large and active community, providing countless resources, tutorials, and forums for assistance.
  • Scalability is a key strength; sites can grow from a single blog post to thousands of pages without performance issues.
  • With regular updates, WordPress stays ahead in addressing security concerns and adding new features.

What Could Be Better

  • The learning curve can be steep, especially for those new to content management systems or web development.
  • Regular maintenance is required to keep plugins, themes, and the core software updated and secure.
  • Performance optimization requires additional plugins or technical expertise.
  • Sites that aren't properly optimized or maintained can suffer from slow loading speeds or security vulnerabilities.

Webflow vs WordPress vs Durable: Ease of Use

Webflow visual interface allows designers to build custom websites without delving deep into code. For those familiar with design software like Adobe XD or Sketch, Webflow's interface will feel intuitive. However, there might be an initial learning curve for someone entirely new to web design.

WordPress classic dashboard is familiar to many. However, when diving deeper into custom themes, plugins, and modifications, there's a steeper learning curve, especially for those without any web development background.

Durable emphasizes speed and simplicity. Durable is the go-to platform for business owners who want to get online without delving into design details. It’s an all-in-one solution for small business owners and solopreneurs.

Webflow vs WordPress vs Durable: Customization & Design

Durable is about speed and efficiency. While it doesn't offer the deep customization that Webflow and WordPress boast, its design tools are intuitive and user-friendly. Business owners can tweak their sites to reflect their brand without feeling overwhelmed.

Webflow, with its design-first approach, users can adjust every element to pixel perfection. The platform also offers animations, interactions, and responsive design features that can bring a website to life.

WordPress, being open-source, has a vast library of themes. You can find a theme from free to premium for almost every purpose. But the real power lies in its plugins. With the right plugins, you can mold your WordPress site into anything, from an e-commerce store to a social network.

Webflow vs WordPress vs Durable: AI & Automation Features

Durable takes the lead here with its built-in AI-powered tools, drastically reducing the time spent on marketing, site building, and even CRM.

Webflow, while primarily a design tool, does offer CMS API integrations. This allows users to automate content and even integrate with other apps, although some tech-savviness might be needed.

WordPress relies on plugins for AI features. While countless plugins are available, you have to sift through them to find those that truly add value without compromising site speed or security.

Webflow vs WordPress vs Durable: Integrated Marketing Tools

Durable stands out with its built-in AI marketing tool. This can be a game-changer for businesses that want a quick ad campaign without hiring a copywriter or marketer.

Webflow offers integrated marketing tools like auto-generated XML sitemaps, Open Graph (OG) settings, and image alt tags. Users also often integrate with third-party tools for their marketing needs. Platforms like Zapier bridge Webflow with other marketing tools.

With its vast plugin ecosystem, WordPress offers solutions for every marketing need, from SEO to email campaigns. However, integrating multiple plugins requires careful management to ensure compatibility and performance.

Webflow vs WordPress vs Durable: CMS & Content Management

Durable provides a simplified content management experience, enhanced by AI-driven features, offering a balance between depth and ease of use.

Webflow offers a dynamic CMS that's both powerful and visually intuitive, especially for those who wish to tie design closely with content.

WordPress is, at its core, a content management system. Its block editor, combined with custom post types and taxonomies, offers a detailed content structure. Yet, with more depth comes complexity.

Webflow vs WordPress vs Durable: Pricing

Durable presents a straightforward and transparent pricing model in three plans, starting with a Free plan. This can appeal to businesses that prefer a predictable monthly or annual cost.

Webflow has a tiered pricing system. Some users might find it higher depending on their needs, especially considering additional costs like third-party integrations.

WordPress is free, but the costs add up with hosting, premium themes, and plugins. It offers the flexibility to control your budget by choosing where to invest.

Webflow vs WordPress vs Durable: Who is Best?

After evaluating the platforms on various parameters, we've summarized the results in the table below:

Criteria Webflow WordPress Durable
Ease of Use & User Interface 4.6 4.2 4.8
AI-Enhancements and Automation 4.5 4.1 4.8
SEO Capabilities 4.7 4.8 4.4
In-Built Marketing Tools 4.6 4.9 4.7
CMS & Content Management 4.4 4.8 4.5
Pricing 4.5 4.7 4.9
Overall Flexibility & Customization 4.6 4.7 4.5
Average Score 4.6 4.6 4.8

Choosing the right platform for building a website depends on what you need.

WordPress is a good choice if you like plugins and expansive customization and know little about tech. If you want a balanced mix of user-friendliness and a visual design platform equipped with powerful built-in features, Webflow is a great option.

But, after looking at all the options, Durable is the top choice for most people. It's simple to use, and its AI features offer a unique, seamless experience for users, especially those who need to be tech-savvy. 

The platform provides various built-in tools, eliminating the need for external integrations for many basic tasks. For many people, especially those starting a new business, Durable has everything you need.

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