October 30, 2023
minute read

WordPress vs. Weebly vs. Wix vs. Durable 2024: Which is Right For You?


These four website builders are among the best options, each offering a unique blend of features.

WordPress is impressive with its robust customization options and a wide array of plugins. Weebly offers user-friendly drag-and-drop features but lacks advanced functionalities.

Wix combines ease of use with a variety of design choices. 

Durable stands out with its AI-powered tools designed to simplify the web-building process.

In this guide, we will take a deep dive into the essential aspects of each platform. By the end, you should have a well-rounded view of what each builder can offer and how they stack against each other.

WordPress vs. Weebly vs. Wix vs. Durable at a Glance

Category WordPress Weebly Wix Durable
Ease of Use, Design, and Customizability WordPress is feature-rich but often requires plugins and technical skills for customization. Weebly has a simple drag-and-drop interface but lacks the advanced features of its competitors. Wix offers a user-friendly interface and over 800 designer-made templates. Durable simplifies the process with AI, asking only three questions to generate a fully SEO-optimized, customizable website.
AI Capabilities Limited to plugins with no built-in AI features. Doesn't offer any AI capabilities. Incorporates AI in design with Wix ADI and Wix Studio AI. Durable leads in AI, offering advanced tools for website building and CRM, invoicing, and automated customer service.
Blogging Features and Tools Originally a blogging platform, WordPress is strong in this area but may require additional plugins for advanced needs. Weebly's blogging features are basic and lack depth in customization. Wix provides an integrated blogging platform within its editor. Durable's AI blog builder automates the entire process, creating SEO-optimized posts based on your input, eliminating the need to write from scratch.
Apps and Integrations It offers a massive library of 50,000+ plugins, though quality can vary. Weebly has an App Center with over 350 apps. Wix's app market is high-quality, with over 500 apps. Durable focuses on quality, integrating seamlessly with tools like Calendly and Stripe.
Pricing The WordPress software is free, but you incur additional costs from buying the domain name, web hosting, premium themes, and plugins. Affordable but may lack features for growing businesses. Wix offers a free plan with the option to upgrade for more features. Durable offers straightforward pricing, with plans that cater to different business needs, making it cost-effective and scalable.

Durable Overview

Durable is a one-stop solution for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs who want to create websites and manage their operations.

Our platform is a ground-breaking AI website builder that delivers a fully functional website, complete with images and copy, in just 30 seconds.

We offer a suite of AI-driven tools designed to help your business succeed. All of this is aimed at making your life easier so you can focus on what matters—your business.

At Durable, we understand that not everyone is tech-savvy or has experience in website building.

That's why we've developed a user-friendly interface and an AI-powered builder that requires zero coding skills. You don't have to be a web developer or designer to create a stunning and functional website.

Durable Core Features

  • Ease of Use, Design, and Customization
  • Blogging Features
  • AI Features

1. Ease of Use, Design, and Customization

One of the standout features of Durable is the ease with which you can create a new website.

You don't have to start from scratch or know any coding. When you click “generate your website,” our platform will ask you three basic questions:

  • What type of business do you have?
  • Where is your business located?
  • What is the name of your business?

After you answer these questions, Durable artificial intelligence takes over and crafts an entire website for you.

This will be a full website tailored to your business type.

The AI doesn't just throw together a generic site. It uses the information you provide to optimize a website for search engines.

The AI naturally includes important keywords related to your business type and location. This makes your website more likely to show up in online searches, which can lead to more visitors and potential customers.

Editing Your Website

Once our AI has generated your website, you're not stuck with a rigid, unchangeable design.

You can easily make changes to any section of your website.

For example, if you want to edit the "Portfolio" section, you click on that section.

An edit icon appears, and when you click on it, a control panel opens up on the right side of your screen.

This control panel allows you to change text, swap out images, or even change color schemes. After you've made your changes, you click "Save," and your edits are live.

If you're unhappy with a section or the whole website, you don't have to change everything manually. Our platform offers a "regenerate" option that allows the AI to redesign parts of your site or even the entire site, offering you a fresh new look without effort.

Adding More Pages

Durable AI takes care of the basics, but what if you want to add more pages to your website? 

You'll see a "+" sign on the top right in your editor view.

Clicking this opens a menu with options for additional pages that would fit well with your business. You choose the one you want and click "Add." This new page will come pre-filled with relevant text and images, saving you time.

2. Blogging Features

Blogging is more than just a way to share your thoughts. It's a strategic tool that can benefit your business in multiple ways.

  • Blogging helps drive traffic to your website: Businesses that blog receive 55% more website visitors than those that don’t. 
  • Blogging helps you build authority in your industry.
  • It can help you build additional revenue streams for your business: You can monetize your blog through advertising, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing.

Knowing this, Durable makes creating a blog section and blogs for your website easy.

Adding a Blog Section in Durable

Well, just like creating a website, adding a blog is straightforward. Here's how:

  • Access the Editor: Open up the editor tool on your Durable dashboard.
  • Find the "+" Sign: On the top right corner, you'll see a "+" sign next to the word 'Home.'
  • Select "Blog Post": Click "+," and a list of different page types will appear. Among the options, you'll see "Blog post." Click on "Add" next to it.

  • Tell the AI What You Want: A prompt asks what you want to write about. If you already have a blog topic in mind, you can type it in here.
  • AI-Generated Blog: Durable's AI takes over once you've put in your title or topic. It generates a complete blog post tailored to your industry and topic. The language and keywords are carefully selected, so your post is SEO-optimized, making it more likely to appear in search engine results.

By automating much of the blog creation process, we allow you to focus more on your business while reaping the many benefits of blogging.

You don't have to be an expert writer or SEO specialist. Our AI blog builder takes care of that for you.

This makes it easy to maintain a regularly updated, impactful blog that drives traffic, builds authority, and even earns revenue.

3. AI Features

Beyond website building, we offer a range of AI-focused products. These help you to manage your website and customers easily.


With our AI CRM, you improve the whole customer service experience. The AI CRM can automatically respond to people who fill out a contact form on your website. 

You can also link your email with the CRM, and the AI will craft unique replies to your customers based on their past interactions with you.

The AI CRM is like an organized and efficient secretary who keeps tabs on customer communications. It uses automation tools that help convert people who visit your website into actual customers.

Invoicing Tool

Dealing with invoices is not the most fun part of running a business, but it's vital. 

Our invoicing tool is aimed at making this process as pain-free as possible. With this feature, you can send out invoices that get you paid quickly.

The best part? It's all automated. You don't have to sit and manually create invoices for every transaction.

You can accept multiple payment types, like credit cards, ACH, and Apple Pay, making it easier for your clients to pay you. And since this invoicing system is connected to your CRM, all the payments and invoices are organized in one place. This means you're less likely to miss a payment or lose track of an invoice.

AI Assistant

Another really helpful feature is the AI Assistant, which is like a 24/7 customer support agent.

It can perform a variety of tasks, like:

  • Generating ideas for your business
  • Answering customer questions
  • Giving you marketing strategies

And because it understands everyday language, interacting with it feels natural.

What makes this assistant even more useful is the ability to save, sort, and access previous interactions.

So, if you asked it to perform a task or generate an idea last week, you can easily find that information without asking again.

Durable Pricing

Durable has three pricing tiers:

Durable pricing comparison table

Free Plan

If you're a aspiring entrepreneur or someone looking to run a small side hustle, our free plan is a great place to start! This gets you set up with a subdomain and a basic AI-generated website.

Starter Plan

If you're a solopreneur or small business owner who is ready to grow online, the Starter plan, available from $12 monthly, is the best fit for you.

This plan is designed to get you up and running quickly, providing our AI tools, a customer domain and a website with up to 10 pages.

Business Plan

For those with a more established operation or are looking to expand their business, the Business plan at $25 per month offers advanced features that help you grow. If you opt for longer billing cycles, the monthly price drops to $20. 

This plan is built to provide a more comprehensive set of tools, like unlimited storage, contacts, and invoices.

We also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee in all our paid plans.

Positives of Durable

  • Ideal for Beginners and Small Businesses: Given its ease of use and quick website creation capabilities, Durable is perfect for beginners and small businesses. These groups often don't have the time or resources to spend on complicated website development, making Durable an ideal choice.
  • SEO-Optimized: Websites created using Durable are SEO-optimized, meaning they are more likely to rank well in search engine results. This can drive more traffic to your site without additional effort.
  • Marketing Features: AI-Generated Google Ad Copy: AI copywriter specially trained to generate persuasive Google Ad copy. This feature allows businesses to immediately implement effective advertising strategies, saving time and effort.

Downsides of Durable

  • Limited Plugins: For businesses that require specialized features, such as advanced SEO tools, booking systems, or other specific functionalities, this lack of plugins can be a disadvantage.
  • Limited E-Commerce Features: While you can create an e-commerce website using Durable, we don’t offer a comprehensive range of e-commerce options. However, we’ll add these soon.

WordPress Overview

WordPress.org is a popular open-source content management system (CMS) for building and managing websites.

Unlike hosted platforms, where you rent space and features, WordPress.org allows you to download and install the software on your web server. This gives you full control over your website, from the look and feel to the functionality.

Initially developed as a blogging platform, WordPress.org has evolved into a versatile solution that can power various websites, including e-commerce stores, portfolios, news outlets, and more.

It offers thousands of themes for visual design and tens of thousands of plugins that extend functionality. These plugins allow you to add features like contact forms, galleries, and online stores.

The platform is known for its user-friendly interface, but it also offers advanced features for more experienced users, like custom code editing and a vast range of SEO tools.

With WordPress.org, you can start simple and expand as your needs grow, making it suitable for beginners and professionals.

Core Features

  • Ease of Use, Design, Customization
  • Apps and Integrations
  • Blogging Tools

1. Ease of Use, Design, and Customization

WordPress.org is known for its flexibility. The platform offers an intuitive dashboard to manage posts, pages, and other aspects of your website.

The interface is user-friendly, but there's also a bit of a learning curve if you're new to website building or content management systems.

One of the key features is the wide variety of themes available—over 11,000 themes. These themes act as templates for your site, setting the visual layout and design.

Many of these themes come with customization options, allowing you to change colors, fonts, and other visual elements. For those with coding skills, you can delve deeper into custom CSS to make more specific changes.

To customize these templates, you use the Gutenberg block editor. 

Gutenberg WordPress editor

Gutenberg brings a more structured, modular approach to content creation and editing on the platform.

Essentially, it turns various content elements like text, images, videos, and more into individual "blocks." Each block is a self-contained unit of content that you can insert, rearrange, and style independently of the others.

In the Gutenberg editor, you can easily add a new block by clicking the "+" button, which includes a menu of all available block types: paragraphs, headings, images, lists, etc. Once you've added a block, you can customize it directly from the editor. For example, you can change the font size of a text block, colorize it, or add a background image to it, among other things.

Suppose you're interested in having even more control over the layout and design of your WordPress site. In that case, third-party plugins like Elementor provide drag-and-drop functionality that is easier to use than Gutenberg editor.

2. Apps and Plugins

WordPress has a huge library of plugins, with over 59,000 free options.

Plugins are additional pieces of software that you can add to your WordPress site to give it extra functions or features. Think of them like apps on your phone. Each one has a specific job.

For example, you can use a plugin to add a contact form to your site. 

Installing a plugin is straightforward. Go to the Plugin section in the WordPress dashboard, search for what you need, click "Install," and then "Activate." After that, you might have to do some setup, depending on what the plugin does.

However, be cautious when choosing plugins. Since there are so many, the quality can vary.

Some are excellent and well-supported by developers, while others might have issues like bugs or security vulnerabilities. 

Check ratings and read reviews before installing a new plugin.

Also, too many plugins can slow down your website, so it's best to install only the ones you need.

3. Blogging Features

WordPress started as a blogging platform, so it's no surprise that its blogging features are robust and well-developed.

The system allows you to easily create blog posts, manage, and publish them. Here's a look at some of the main features related to blogging.

First, creating a new blog post is simple. Go to your WordPress dashboard and click "Add New" under the "Posts" section. 

You can start typing your text, adding images, and even embedding videos. The editor helps you with formatting options like headings, bullet points, and text alignment.

When you write a blog post, you also have the option to categorize it or add tags. 

Categories are broad topics under which your blog posts can be grouped. Tags are specific words that describe what your post is about. Both help organize your content and make it easier for visitors to find what interests them.

You can also schedule posts for future publication. This is handy if you want to write multiple posts and have them go live at different times. You pick a date and time, and WordPress will automatically publish it for you.

One feature many find useful is the comment section. WordPress has built-in functionality for people to leave comments on your posts. You can moderate these comments, reply, or even turn off the comment section entirely.

WordPress also gives you much control over how your blog appears on search engines. You can set meta descriptions, custom URL slugs, and other search engine optimization (SEO) settings for each post. Plus, there are plugins to help you fine-tune these SEO settings even more.

WordPress Pricing

WordPress.org itself is a free, open-source platform. This means you can download and use the WordPress software without paying anything.

However, running a WordPress website does involve some costs that can add up. Here's a breakdown:

  • Web Hosting: You'll need a web server to host your WordPress website. The cost of web hosting can vary widely, ranging from as low as $3-4 per month to hundreds of dollars for dedicated or specialized hosting.
  • Domain Name: This is your website's online address (like 'www.yoursite.com'). A domain usually costs around $10-15 per year.
  • Plugins and Themes: While many free options are available, premium themes and plugins can add to the cost. Depending on your need, these can range from $20 to $200, or more.
  • Developer Costs: If you're uncomfortable setting up or maintaining the website, you might hire developers or designers. Their fees can vary widely.
  • Additional Services: Email, backup, and security services can add to the cost.

Positives of WordPress

  • Open-Source Community: One of the biggest benefits of WordPress is its open-source nature. Anyone can contribute to its development or create plugins and themes. This has led to a huge, active community and a wealth of resources available for users.
  • User-Friendly CMS: Adding content, editing, and managing your website without advanced technical skills is easy.
  • Extensibility: With over 59,000 plugins and thousands of themes, you can extend the functionality of your website in countless ways. 
  • Strong SEO Capabilities: WordPress has strong SEO capabilities right out of the box. Numerous SEO plugins offer further optimization options to help your site rank better in search engines.
  • Flexibility: It can power all kinds of websites, from simple blogs to full-fledged e-commerce sites and applications.

What Could Be Better

  • Security Risks: Being the most popular CMS makes WordPress a target for hackers. While you can take plenty of security measures, the platform's open-source nature could potentially leave you vulnerable to attacks if you're not careful.
  • Can Get Expensive: Although the platform itself is free, when you start adding premium themes, premium plugins, and various other functionalities, the cost can add up quickly.
  • Learning Curve: While WordPress is user-friendly, mastering it can take time, especially if you're new to CMSs and websites. The plethora of options can sometimes be overwhelming for new users. For easier-to-use website builders, consider these WordPress alternatives.

Weebly Overview

Weebly uses a drag-and-drop interface to help you create professional websites, online stores, or blogs without requiring any prior coding experience.

It’s for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals who need a simple but functional web presence.

You can easily create portfolios, blogs, business websites, and basic online stores. Its drag-and-drop functionality allows you to add elements like text boxes, images, and videos, as well as more complex features like contact forms and eCommerce capabilities.

While Weebly is user-friendly, its simplicity comes with trade-offs:

  • Limited customization capabilities for advanced users.
  • Less powerful eCommerce features compared to specialized platforms.
  • Limited scope for SEO customization.

Core Features

  • Ease of Use, Design, and Customization
  • Apps and Integrations
  • Weebly Promote - Built-in Email Marketing Tool
  • Blogging Tools
  • SEO Tools

1. Ease of Use, Design, and Customization

Weebly offers two different website editors to cater to various user requirements. One is the classic drag-and-drop Weebly site builder. It supports various elements like blogs, memberships, and HTML/CSS code access for those with little technical know-how who want to dig deeper into the design.

Then, the eCommerce-focused Square editor is streamlined for setting up an online store without fuss.

The classic drag-and-drop editor is the go-to for people who want a wide range of features. You can use it to set up a blog or create a membership area.

Weebly classic drag-and-drop editor

The Square editor is tailored for those who want to sell products online as quickly as possible.

Weebly’s eCommerce-focused Square editor

When you're setting up, Weebly asks what you need, and based on that, they'll suggest one of the two editors for you to use.

Once you pick one, you can't switch to the other editor later.

Template Choices

Weebly has about 50 themes in various categories, like personal websites, portfolios, or business sites, including online stores.

All themes automatically adjust to look good on mobile devices.

The level of customization you can achieve depends on the editor you're using. The classic editor gives you more freedom to change the colors and fonts, whereas the Square editor is more restrictive.

2. Apps and Integrations

Weebly has its App Center, which has more than 350 apps. These apps extend the functionality of your website. 

They cover many functions, from social media feeds and comment management to live chat features for customer service. There are also specialized apps to assist with shipping if you're running an online store.

If you can't find an app that suits your specific needs within Weebly's App Center, you still have the option to use external apps or tools by embedding their code into your website. 

This requires you to insert a specific line of code into your website's HTML through Weebly's editor. It's not as straightforward as installing an app from the App Center, but it's an option for those who need more specialized features.

NOTE: If you decide to use the eCommerce-focused Square editor, you’ll need to use apps from the Square App Marketplace.

3. Weebly Promote - Built-in Email Marketing Tool

Weebly Promote is an email marketing tool built into the Weebly platform.

It's designed to help you reach out to your audience directly through emails for various purposes like sharing newsletters, announcing new products, or promoting special events.

The tool offers a selection of pre-designed email templates that make it easier to start your email campaigns.

Weebly Promote lets you import your contact list from other email services like Gmail and Yahoo! through a CSV file.

If you've got a list of contacts on your Weebly site, maybe from people signing up for memberships or buying from your store, you can easily sync these with Weebly Promote, too.

Finally, Weebly Promote provides a simple dashboard showing important stats about your email campaigns. For example, you can see how many people opened your email or clicked on links. 

4. Blogging Tools

Weebly's blogging tools are built to be user-friendly. The drag-and-drop interface allows you to quickly create blog content without specialized skills.

You can easily add various elements like text, images, maps, or even contact forms by simply dragging them onto the designated area of the page.

Weebly offers free blog templates, giving you a head start in designing the layout of your blog. These templates can save you time and effort, eliminating the need to design your blog from the ground up. 

5. SEO Tools

Search engine optimization (SEO) is important for increasing the visibility of your blog posts.

Weebly offers features to help improve the SEO of your blog.

You can create custom URLs, title tags, and meta descriptions for each blog post.

If you want to dive deeper into SEO, Weebly also allows you to add custom header and footer codes to your blog pages. This offers more flexibility and opportunities to implement advanced SEO techniques or other types of code that might enhance your blog's performance.

Weebly Pricing

Weebly has four pricing plans:

  • Free Plan: It's good for basic use, allowing you to create a simple website with essential features. However, you won't be able to connect your custom domain name, meaning your website will have a Weebly subdomain (like "yourwebsite.weebly.com").
  • Personal Plan: Costs $10 per month if you choose to be billed annually or $13 if you opt for month-to-month billing. This plan lets you connect a custom domain. However, the functionalities and customization options remain relatively basic.
  • Professional Plan: $12 monthly if billed annually or $16 monthly. Besides being able to connect your domain, this plan offers additional customization features that are not available in the Personal plan.
  • Performance Plan: $26 per month when billed annually or $29 monthly. Designed for websites that need more advanced features for growth and operations management.

Positives of Weebly

  • Auto Save Feature: One of the handy features Weebly offers is its auto-save function. This ensures that any changes you make to your website are automatically saved in real-time.
  • Affordable: Weebly is generally considered an affordable website-building option, especially compared to other platforms in the market. With a free plan and low-cost paid options, it's accessible for users on a tight budget who want to create a functional and good-looking website.
  • Extensive App Center: The Weebly App Center has over 350 apps, adding to the platform's versatility.

What Could Be Better

  • Limited Design Customization: Even though Weebly offers various themes and templates, the level of design customization is limited compared to platforms like Durable and Wix. You may find Weebly somewhat restrictive if you want more advanced design features or a unique look.
  • No Transfer Between Editors: Once you choose between the classic Weebly editor and the Square eCommerce editor, you can't switch between them. If you start with a basic website and later decide to add an online store, you'll need to start from scratch with the eCommerce editor.

Wix Overview

Wix is a cloud-based platform designed to make building a website as simple as possible.

The platform offers HTML5 websites known for their high-quality and versatile features and mobile-friendly sites.

One of Wix's standout features is its drag-and-drop interface. You can create a website by dragging elements like text boxes, images, and buttons onto your page.

Wix Core Features

  • Ease of Use, Design, and Customization
  • Wix AI Features
  • Wix App Market
  • Blogging Tools

1. Ease of Use, Design, and Customization

One of the first things you'll notice about Wix is the wide variety of templates. 

With over 800 templates, Wix provides a template for almost every type of website.

  • Building a photography portfolio
  • Setting up a restaurant website
  • Launching an online store, etc.

You'll likely find a pre-designed layout that fits your needs.

Another feature that stands out is that these templates come with pre-installed apps relevant to the template's purpose. For example, if you pick a template designed for a restaurant, you will find a menu display app and a reservation system already in place.

Wix's editor provides an extreme level of customization. Unlike Weebly, which limits where to place elements, Wix lets you drag and drop items anywhere on the page.

Each element has its customization options, accessible via a context-sensitive menu. This means you can adjust sizes, colors, and other properties easily.

Additionally, if you know HTML or JavaScript, you can insert custom code blocks, giving you even more control over the website's functionality.

For those looking for an even higher level of customization, Wix offers Editor X (which will soon be Wix Studio).

This is tailored for design professionals and offers features that can accommodate more complex design needs. With Editor X, you get advanced design capabilities like CSS grids, custom breakpoints for different screen sizes, and the ability to write JavaScript and connect to external APIs for complex web applications.

However, it’s worth mentioning a couple of limitations.

First, while Wix's templates look great on a desktop, they are not fully mobile-responsive. 

You'll have to work extra to ensure your site looks good on mobile devices.

Second, once you choose a template, you're locked into it. If you want to change to a different template, you can't simply switch. You'll have to build your site again from scratch.

2. Wix AI Features

Wix has AI tools that simplify the website creation process and make it more efficient.

These AI features are integrated into the platform to assist users in various tasks, from designing layouts to generating content.

Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence)

Wix ADI, or Artificial Design Intelligence, tool makes website creation easy. 

When you start using Wix ADI, you're asked questions about what you're looking for in a website. These are questions about your business type, desired features (like an online store or a blog), and general aesthetic preferences. 

Based on your answers, Wix ADI automatically generates a complete website layout. The convenience of Wix ADI is that it takes away much of the initial heavy lifting involved in setting up a site, making it highly useful for beginners or people who need to get a website running quickly.

However, Wix ADI is less comprehensive than the Durable AI website builder.

Wix Studio AI

Wix Studio AI is geared towards agencies and professionals comfortable with coding and wanting more control over their designs.

This feature is part of Wix Studio, an advanced platform Wix offers.

Wix Studio AI helps you adjust website sections to fit all screen sizes automatically. Normally, making a website responsive (meaning it looks good on phones, tablets, and computers) can take a lot of manual adjustments.

Wix Studio AI simplifies this process, making your site responsive with just a click.

Additionally, Wix Studio AI offers tailored scripts to assist in coding. If you're working in their VS Code-based environment, the AI can help troubleshoot issues and provide quick answers about Wix products, streamlining your workflow.

And if you're looking to add some unique imagery to your website, Wix Studio AI integrates with OpenAI to generate images. This could be useful for creative projects where you might want visuals that are a bit different from stock photos.

Wix Studio also offers these AI features:

  • SEO tag suggestions
  • AI-driven insights
  • AI site assistant
  • Marketing campaign builder

3. Wix App Market

Wix offers an extensive collection of web apps through its Wix App Market—over 500 options.

This makes it easier for you to add extra functions to your website without knowing any coding.

The apps range from Wix's solutions to third-party apps. For instance, if you focus on marketing, you can find integrations with popular tools like Google AdSense. 

You can easily link your website to these external platforms to show ads and generate revenue. 

Social media advertising tools are also available, letting you link your site with platforms like Facebook or Instagram.

Most of the apps follow a freemium model. You can use them for free and decide whether to pay for more advanced features. This is handy because you can test an app to see if it fits your needs before committing any money.

4. Blogging Tools

Wix offers blogging tools that make it straightforward for anyone to start a blog on their website.

One of the highlights is the ease of adding a blog section to your site. You just have to add Wix Blog and pick from one of the six available layouts. Each layout has its own visual style, giving you some choice in how your blog will look.

Choosing a template for your blog

In terms of SEO, Wix doesn't skimp on features. You can tweak settings like meta tags, URL structures, and even the robots.txt file.

The availability of these advanced SEO tools means you're not flying blind when it comes to getting your blog posts to appear in search engine results.

Wix also has a mobile app that allows you to manage your blog. You can write posts or respond to comments using the app.

Another interesting feature is the ability to add contributing writers to your blog. This is handy if you have a team or want to grow your blog by publishing more content.

Contributing writers can write and manage their posts, freeing up some of your time and potentially bringing different perspectives to your blog.

Wix also allows you to import posts from WordPress into your Wix website.

Wix Pricing

Wix offers a variety of pricing options that cater to different needs, ranging from personal use to large-scale businesses.

Website Plans

  • Connect Domain: Priced at $4.50 per month. Comes with Wix branding displayed on your site.
  • Combo: Costs $8.50 per month. It is aimed at individuals who want to set up a personal website.
  • Unlimited: $12.50 per month. For people who need more features and resources, like small business owners or freelancers.
  • VIP: $24.50 per month. It comes with first-priority support.

Business and eCommerce Plans

  • Business Basic: Priced at $17 per month. For businesses that want to start accepting payments online.
  • Business Unlimited: $25 per month. Offers more features to help your business grow.
  • Business VIP: At $35 per month. Provides a comprehensive set of tools and first-priority support.

Enterprise Plans

These are designed for large-scale businesses and are likely to be higher in cost and customized to the enterprise's specific needs.

Positives of Wix

  • E-commerce Features: Wix provides tools for anyone starting an online store. You can add products, set up payment methods, and even manage inventory, all within the Wix platform.
  • SEO Tools: Wix offers a suite of SEO tools like Wix SEO Wiz that help your website rank better in search engines. This includes options for customizing meta tags, URL structures, and more.
  • Variety of Templates: Wix offers a large selection of templates that cater to many different industries and interests, providing a good starting point for website design.

What Could Be Better

  • Lack of Fully Responsive Templates: While Wix offers many templates, they are not fully mobile responsive. This means you'll need to spend extra time optimizing your website for mobile devices. 
  • Inability to Switch Templates: Once you've chosen a template in Wix, you're locked into it. If you want to switch to a different template, you'll have to start building your website from scratch again, which can be time-consuming.
  • Single Currency Limitation: Wix's e-commerce features come with a limitation. You can only sell products in one currency at a time. For businesses looking to sell internationally, this could be a significant drawback.

While Wix offers a range of features, it may not meet your specific needs. If you find that Wix lacks certain functionalities you require, see our guide here on the best Wix alternatives.

WordPress vs. Weebly vs. Wix vs. Durable: Ease of Use, Design, and Customizability

WordPress users can choose from thousands of themes and plugins, both free and paid. The downside is that this high degree of customization comes at the expense of ease of use. Navigating the platform can be intimidating, especially for those new to website building. Coding skills become increasingly necessary as you dive into more complex features.

Weebly offers a clean and simple drag-and-drop editor. The interface is intuitive, but that simplicity limits how far you can go with customization. You have fewer options for changing layouts or adding custom features, which could be limiting for some businesses.

Wix provides a balance between ease of use and customizability. It comes with a drag-and-drop editor like Weebly, but it allows for more design freedom. The drawback is that you can't change a template once you choose it. You'd have to rebuild the website from scratch to change the basic design.

Durable makes getting started extremely easy. After answering three simple questions about your business, Durable's AI generates a complete, SEO-optimized website tailored to your industry. The generated website can then be customized using a straightforward editor. Each section of the website has its control panel, and if you want a change, you can regenerate sections or even the whole website using AI. The balance of AI assistance and customization options makes it ideal for beginners.

WordPress vs. Weebly vs. Wix vs. Durable: AI Capabilities

WordPress doesn't offer built-in AI capabilities. You'd need to integrate third-party tools to add AI features.

Weebly doesn't offer any significant AI capabilities either.

Wix does incorporate some AI in its Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) feature. It helps in automatically generating a website based on your answers to a few questions.

Durable is built around AI. Apart from automating the initial website setup, it offers a range of AI products, including an AI-based CRM for managing customer relationships and an AI assistant that can perform tasks and answer queries 24/7. These AI features are designed to integrate seamlessly, making your business operations smoother and more efficient.

WordPress vs. Weebly vs. Wix vs. Durable: Blogging Features and Tools

WordPress is a powerhouse for blogging. It was initially built as a blogging platform and continues to excel in this area.

Weebly offers basic blogging features that are easy to set up but lack WordPress's depth of customization and functionality. It’s good for simple blogs but less ideal for complex content strategies.

Wix provides a good range of blogging features, but it's less comprehensive than WordPress. You can categorize posts, add tags, and include media.

Durable simplifies the blogging process. With just a few clicks, you can add a new blog post. You don’t have to worry about SEO optimization, as the AI handles that. If you know your topic, just input it, and the AI can generate a blog post. It streamlines the process while ensuring the content is well-optimized for search engines.

WordPress vs. Weebly vs. Wix vs. Durable: Apps and Integrations

WordPress has an extensive range of plugins, allowing you to add almost any feature.

Weebly has an App Center that offers a range of third-party integrations. However, the options are more limited compared to WordPress. Installing them is easy, but you may not find all the necessary functionalities.

Wix's App Market provides various integrations, from marketing tools to online booking services. While not as extensive as WordPress, it’s generally adequate for most small to medium-sized businesses.

Durable offers key integrations crucial for businesses, like Calendly for appointment scheduling and Stripe for payment processing.

WordPress vs. Weebly vs. Wix vs. Durable: Which Should You Choose?

All these platforms offer unique strengths and weaknesses, but the choice depends on your needs.

To help you make a more informed decision, let's look at how each platform scores across these crucial categories.

Feature WordPress Weebly Wix Durable
Ease of Use, Design, and Customizability 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.8
AI Capabilities 4.4 4.3 4.6 4.9
Blogging Features and Tools 4.6 4.3 4.4 4.7
Apps and Integrations 4.5 4.3 4.4 4.6
Score 4.5 4.3 4.4 4.8

Getting Started with Durable

With its robust AI capabilities, Durable simplifies the entire process, from initial setup to daily operations like blogging and customer management.

The platform offers exceptional ease of use, making it perfect for beginners, while its automated features save you time and effort.

Also, key integrations with platforms like Calendly and Stripe make it easier to manage appointments and payments.

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