November 10, 2023
minute read

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Durable: Which is the Best Option for You?


With so many website builders available, it can be difficult to know where to start.

That’s why we’ve put together this detailed comparison between 3 of the most popular options on the market: Wix, GoDaddy, and Durable.

To help you decide which is the best for your specific needs, we’ll compare the most important features and functionalities and see how they stack up against each other. These include:

  • Customization and Flexibility: Are there limitations to how much you can customize? What about templates, themes, or pre-made designs?
  • Performance and Speed: How do websites or projects made with these tools perform? Are they fast, and do they offer performance-enhancing features?
  • Integration Capabilities: Can you integrate other tools, apps, or services? Is there an app store or marketplace?
  • Customer Support and Resources: How responsive is the customer support? What resources (like tutorials, guides, and forums) are available?
  • Scalability: Can the platform grow with your needs? For instance, can a simple blog transition into an e-commerce site?

Let's dive deeper into how these competitors measure up.

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Durable at a Glance

Feature Wix GoDaddy Durable
Ease of Use and Customization Drag-and-drop builder; 800 pre-designed templates User-friendly with AI-guided setup; limited design flexibility AI-assisted customization; intuitive, user-friendly interface
SEO Capabilities Built-in basic SEO features Basic SEO tools; upgradable for advanced features Advanced AI-assisted, built-in SEO features
Integrations and Apps Over 500 apps in the App Market Integrated GoDaddy apps; limited third-party support Integrates with Calendly and Stripe to help you with ecommerce
AI Capabilities Wix ADI for basic AI-driven design. Wix Studio AI for advanced design AI tools for design and website creation A comprehensive suite of AI functionalities and features
Customer Support 24/7 phone support for the English language. Others include live chat and email. 24/7 phone support, live chat, and SMS Priority support for Business plan users. Email and Live chat for the other users.
Pricing Range of plans with premium features Competitive plans with hosting included Transparent pricing with distinct features at each level starting at $0/mo
In-built Marketing Tools Basic email campaigns and social post integrations. You can extend marketing with tools from the Wix App Market Marketing suite with email campaigns and more AI-enhanced Google Ad Writer and social media promotions

Durable Overview

Durable lets you build an entire website in record time.

Unlike GoDaddy and Wix platforms, which require a significant time investment to navigate and finalize yourself with functionalities, Durable allows you to create a website with AI in 30 seconds. You can generate a complete website with AI-curated images and content, eliminating the usual learning curve and setup time.

Ease of customization is another standout feature. Small business owners without website-building experience can tailor their site exactly as they wish using our editor.

Instead of wrestling with design templates and features, you can quickly adjust and refine your site according to your business needs.

From the onboarding process to customer support, we prioritize making everything smooth.

Durable Core Features

  • Ease of Use and Customization
  • SEO and Marketing Features
  • AI Features

1. Ease of Use and Customization

Generating a website with Durable is so easy. When you sign up, we ask you only three questions:

  • Your business type
  • Your location
  • The name of your business

Our AI then quickly builds a functional, captivating, and SEO-optimized site that matches your industry. 

How to build a website using Durable

After generating your website, we transition control back to you. We allow you full freedom to edit and customize the generated site. Every component of your website is accessible and editable.

The durable editor is easy to use. If you want to edit a section, maybe the “Services” section, click on the section, and you’ll see the “Edit” button. An edit panel will pop up on the screen's right side. This is where you make changes.

You can change the content, images, and buttons.

The edit panel becomes your “go-to dashboard.” It lets even those new to website design tweak content without any problem. And if you want someone to hold your hand, our customer support channels are always open — email and live chat. Our Business Plan also offers priority support.

In our editor, we have a built-in AI Assistant to help you. Let's say you want to integrate your Facebook. Ask the AI Assistant. The AI assistant is on the top of your editor — the lightning symbol next to the “Home” page.

It’ll guide you to the right section, where you should add your social links. So, if you feel lost when editing your website, ask the AI Assistant.

We also offer preset color palettes to ensure your website looks professional and consistent. You don’t need to worry if you don’t have any design experience. Select a palette from the list, and it's applied throughout your site.

To get the palettes, click “Theme,” the brush icon on the top right of your editor. On the color palette section, click “edit”.

With Durable, your website can grow as your business does. If you wish to add more pages, like a blog or testimonials, it's a straightforward process. Click on the “+” icon at the top next to “Home” to see a list of page options. Choose one, and it’s instantly added, complete with relevant content and images.

Finally, organizing your site's layout with Durable is easy. You can drag and rearrange sections to suit your preference. 

If you want your contact form at the top or a gallery of your latest products front and center, use the “move up” or “move down” arrows next to the regenerate button.

2. SEO and Marketing Features

Having a website is only part of the battle. For a website to truly make an impact, it needs to be indexed by Google

From the moment the AI begins crafting your website, it's already embedding SEO strategies into your website. The AI ensures that your website is ready to rank well in search results.

It does this through keywords. Keywords are specific words or phrases that people type into search engines. To ensure your website gets noticed, our AI carefully scatters these keywords throughout your site, making it relevant and easily searchable.

Let's use an e-learning website as an example. Suppose you're offering online math tutorials.

Our AI will recognize this and automatically infuse relevant keywords like "online math courses," "math e-learning," "virtual math classes," and "interactive math tutorials" throughout your site. 

These could be in your site's title, in the description of your courses, or even within the content of blog posts. By doing this, when someone searches for online math courses, your website stands a better chance of showing up in their search results.

The AI ensures that these keywords are naturally integrated, avoiding any form of keyword stuffing.

For marketing, we have AI tools to help you in marketing. We offer a Google Ad Writer.

The Google Ad Writer is a tool designed to ease crafting effective ads. Instead of spending hours brainstorming the perfect ad copy, our tool does the heavy lifting for you.

To use this marketing tool, go to the “Marketing” section on your website’s dashboard and select “Create promotion.” From the options available, choose "Google Ad."

The Google Ad Writer will ask you two questions:

  • What kind of business do you run? - Provide details about your business, including its name and your services.
  • How do you want your ad to sound?

Based on your responses, our AI integrates this information with industry-specific data to deliver an optimized and engaging ad. What you get is an expertly crafted ad copy that’s poised to grab attention and drive results.

The same user-friendly approach extends to Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, and Email Marketing. Choose either “Facebook Post” or “Tweet” after selecting “Create promotion.”

With Durable, you benefit from streamlined, powerful marketing without hassle. Every tool, every feature, is designed with your success in mind.

3. AI Features

Our website builder integrates AI beyond website creation. We have tools like e AI CRM to help you manage leads, marketing tools, as we have already seen, invoicing tools, and blog writing tools.

Here are our tools:


When we say we have the only AI CRM for small businesses, we mean it. Most CRM systems help you store customer data, but Durable AI CRM takes several steps further.

Anytime someone contacts you through your website's contact form, our AI CRM kicks into action, providing an automated yet personalized response to their queries.

You can also sync your email with our CRM. So, instead of crafting individual responses, our AI studies past communications and crafts unique replies that cater to each customer's needs.

With Durable AI CRM, you can effortlessly send out requests for reviews. This boosts the number of reviews you get and positively impacts your Google ratings.

AI Blog Builder

Every thriving business understands the pivotal role a blog plays. A blog boosts SEO, engages your audience, establishes your brand as an industry leader, and drives traffic to your website.

However, the challenge has always been creating, setting up, and maintaining a blog. It demands a mix of technical know-how, content creation skills, and the patience to churn out posts consistently.

With our AI Blog Builder tool, you can create a blog on your website and populate it with well-crafted, SEO-optimized posts in seconds. You don’t need to hire multiple content creators or wait for inspiration to get started.

Start by accessing your website editor. At the top, click on the "+" sign next to 'Home.

  • After clicking on the "+", a pop-up appears. Select "Blog post" and then "Add."
  • Our AI Assistant then prompts you for a topic. Maybe you have a specific subject in mind. Enter it. If not, provide a general idea.
  • Our AI draws from vast databases, understands current industry trends, and crafts a blog post tailored for you. It embeds key terms seamlessly, ensuring your post is optimized for the readers and search engines.

If the AI-generated post isn't 100% to your liking, you can tweak it. You can modify text, swap images, and adjust layouts.

Invoicing Tool

Handling finances is crucial for any business. Invoicing, in particular, is an indispensable process.

It ensures that you get compensated for your services or products, provides a clear record of transactions, aids in financial forecasting, and enhances professionalism. 

However, many businesses still grapple with outdated and cumbersome invoicing systems, leading to delays, errors, and even missed payments.

Our Invoicing Tool is designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind. Our tool streamlines the invoicing process from creation to payment. Instead of struggling with manual entries or clunky software, you can quickly generate sleek and comprehensive invoices.

One of the biggest pain points in invoicing is tracking who has paid and who hasn't. With our Invoicing Tool, every invoice generated is automatically synced with Durable AI CRM. This means you have an instant overview of your financial transactions and can ensure timely follow-ups, reducing the chances of delayed or missed payments.

Durable Pricing

We offer 3 transparent pricing plans:

1. Free

Get online for $0! Perfect for individuals and entrepreneurs. 

2. Startup

  • Monthly: $15/month
  • Annual billing: $12/month

Perfect for those beginning their journey or running a side business. 

3. Business

  • Monthly: $25/month
  • Annual billing: $20/month

The package for businesses looking to stand out and scale.

We believe in the value we offer, and that's why we provide a 30-day money-back guarantee on our paid plans.

Positives of Durable

  • Durable offers one of the fastest website-building experiences on the market.
  • Beyond website building, Durable is integrated with AI-powered tools that cater to various business needs, from AI-generated blog content to an automated CRM system.
  • With its competitive pricing tiers, Durable ensures that businesses of all sizes can afford a powerful online presence without breaking the bank. Plus, the inclusive features offered in each package provide value for money.
  • The intuitive design of the Durable editor ensures that even individuals without prior website-building experience can easily make edits and customizations. The AI Assistant is always on standby to help users navigate and optimize their websites.

Downsides of Durable

  • As of now, Durable may not offer integrations with certain third-party tools or platforms that some businesses rely on.
  • While Durable does provide basic SEO optimizations, it does not yet offer specific SEO tools.

However, it's worth noting that Durable is constantly evolving and improving with rapid advancements in AI technology.

Wix Overview

Wix is a cloud-based website-building platform known for its drag-and-drop functionality. 

Central to Wix's appeal is its user-friendly interface. You can build your website by selecting from the 800 free customizable templates. These templates provide a starting point, ensuring even novices can achieve polished results.

Wix also offers integrated tools designed to enhance website performance and user engagement. This includes features for e-commerce, appointment scheduling, online marketing, etc.

One of Wix's standout features is its adaptive design capabilities. The platform ensures websites are mobile-responsive, meaning they automatically adjust and look optimal on any device, from desktops to smartphones.

Wix Core Features

  • Drag-and-Drop Editor
  • App Market
  • AI Features

1. Drag-and-Drop Editor

Wix has an easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor lets you reshape, redefine, and build your website to match your brand.

In the Wix Editor, every component is adjustable —resizing, recoloring, rotating, or aligning.

Wix also offers advanced design features like the addition of transparent videos, intricate animations, and even vector art. 

Velo by Wix allows you to build advanced web applications using serverless computing on an open development platform.

You can customize further with JavaScript and Wix APIs, integrate third-party services, connect to internal and external databases, and generate numerous pages from a single dynamic layout.

Velo lets you tailor specific functionalities using standard JavaScript alongside Velo-specific APIs, all within its integrated development environment (IDE).

Furthermore, Velo supports constructing dynamic websites, promoting seamless collaboration on diverse content types. An additional advantage is the security and maintenance aspect. You don't have to stress over the technical upkeep, as Wix takes care of it.

Wix also offers a help center on their website. The help center provides various resources to help users with their Wix accounts and how to build using Wix.

2. App Market

Wix offers an App Market, a marketplace for website owners to enhance their sites.

With over 500 web apps available, you get tools to integrate with, ranging from marketing to financial utilities and e-commerce functionalities.

One feature of the Wix App Market is its simplicity. Even users unfamiliar with app integrations can quickly navigate and implement them. 

The marketplace boasts free and premium apps, with many adopting a freemium model, giving users the flexibility to start without cost and upgrade as needed.

However, not all apps may be optimized perfectly for every niche or specific requirement. There can also be occasional compatibility or performance issues, and relying heavily on multiple apps might impact site loading speeds. 

Always carefully review and test any app before integrating it extensively into your website.

3. AI Features

Wix recognizes the power of artificial intelligence and has seamlessly integrated it into its platform, although not as extensively as platforms like Durable.

Here's a closer look:

  • Wix Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI): Wix ADI simplifies the website creation process. By gathering key details about your business and understanding your design inclinations, it generates tailored homepage designs. The outcome is a unique site that resonates with your brand, accomplished with minimal manual input.
  • Wix Studio AI: Wix Studio AI exists within a VS Code-based environment and offers tailored scripts to aid in your site creation. Additionally, troubleshooting becomes easier, with product answers accessible more promptly. The platform's integration with OpenAI lets you generate AI imagery on Canvas. Plus, you can assess and boost your website's health by comparing traffic and sales metrics against similar sites using AI.
  • AI Site Assistant: The AI site assistant integrates search and chat functionalities. If a customer wants to purchase, book, ask a question, or merely start a conversation, this assistant ensures a smooth, interactive experience.

Wix Pricing

Wix offers a versatile pricing structure that accommodates various needs, from personal use to large-scale businesses. 

1. Website Plans: For those seeking a professional online presence.

  • VIP: $24.50/month. Offers first-priority support.
  • Unlimited: $12.50/month. Tailored for entrepreneurs and freelancers.
  • Combo: For a more personal use. $8.50/month.
  • Connect Domain: The most basic offering, $4.50/month. Websites under this plan will display Wix branding.

2. Business and eCommerce Plans

  • Business VIP: $35/month. It has a suite of tools to ensure your online business operates seamlessly.
  • Business Unlimited:$25/month. Offers an array of tools designed to foster business growth.
  • Business Basic: $17/month. Provides tools required to accept online payments.

3. Enterprise Plans

Tailored for businesses with specific requirements. Contact Wix directly for a custom quote.

Positives of Wix

  • The Wix Editor is easy to use and has comprehensive design features.
  • The extensive variety of templates caters to diverse user needs.
  • The content manager and blogging tools are robust.
  • Consistent and reliable customer support.

What Could Be Better

  • You can’t switch templates. You have to rebuild from the ground up.
  • The platform is not fully customizable, leaving designers wanting more creative freedom.
  • Occasional bugs disrupt the seamless transition between desktop and mobile versions, necessitating frequent format adjustments.

For those who feel these limitations might be a deal-breaker, consider some of these Wix alternatives.

GoDaddy Overview

GoDaddy is tailored for individuals and businesses aiming to establish an online presence quickly.

As one of the world's leading domain registrars, GoDaddy's venture into website building capitalizes on their understanding of internet ecosystems, providing a platform for creating functional and visually appealing websites.

One of GoDaddy Website Builder's standout features is its reliance on Artificial Intelligence to streamline the site creation process. By simply answering a series of questions tailored to understand your preferences and goals, the AI efficiently crafts a preliminary website design that's both relevant and customizable.

GoDaddy editor offers drag-and-drop functionality, which simplifies the design process.

You can select from various pre-designed templates suitable for diverse sectors, from blogging to e-commerce. These templates are mobile-responsive, ensuring that sites display correctly across various devices.

Beyond basic website building, GoDaddy integrates SEO tools and guidance to improve site visibility on search engines.

With GoDaddy, you’re guaranteed fast and reliable hosting. Your website remains accessible, with pages loading swiftly.

While GoDaddy has established itself as a popular domain registrar and website builder, some users might be seeking something different. If you're among those looking for more options, check out our list of the best GoDaddy alternatives to find a platform that aligns with your preferences.

GoDaddy Core Features

  • Ease of Use and Customization
  • SEO and Marketing Features
  • Blogging Features

1. Ease of Use and Customization

You can get started with the AI or choose from the various templates available when using GoDaddy. The designer-made templates offer a quick starting point for those unsure about design, ensuring a professional look right from the get-go.

With over 20 theme filters, GoDaddy allows you to seamlessly tweak layouts, font styles, and color schemes in these templates. This ensures that while the starting point might be a premade template, the final website can be tailored to fit any brand or personal style.

GoDaddy also ensures that websites appear optimal on all devices and allows on-the-move editing. 

This adaptability ensures that you can make changes anytime, anywhere, and your audience gets the best viewing experience regardless of their device.

2. SEO and Marketing Features

GoDaddy offers several SEO and marketing features to help improve your website’s visibility and reach your target audience.

One of the main tools for SEO is the SEO Wizard. This tool is available for users in the top three paid plans.

This Wizard operates as a guide. It details your business or content, determining your target audience and understanding the geographical regions you aim to serve.

It then recommends appropriate keywords and aids in framing SEO-rich titles, headlines, and descriptions.

In addition to the SEO Wizard, GoDaddy offers a suite of other optimization tools:

  • Google My Business: This feature ensures your business has visibility on Google Search and Maps, a crucial avenue for local businesses to attract customers.
  • Review Widget: A business thrives on credibility. With this widget, you can display genuine reviews from platforms like Google or Facebook, enhancing trust among potential customers.
  • Email Marketing: Engaging with potential customers or retaining existing ones is pivotal. GoDaddy's email marketing tool facilitates this, allowing you to convert mere site visitors into loyal customers.

Remember, SEO is a continuous process. Relying solely on automated tools may not have the desired results in the long run.

A more in-depth, regular engagement with SEO practices, such as content updates and backlink building, is necessary for sustainable growth.

3. Blogging Features

GoDaddy offers you several features to support blogging. GoDaddy lets you add a blog to your site with functionalities like category management and enabling comments for reader engagement.

When blogging, you can either publish immediately or set up your article for future publication.

A notable feature is the automatic saving of drafts. You can quickly note down your article and refine it later.

On GoDaddy, while working within the text editor, you can integrate images or videos into your content by clicking on the “+” symbol. In addition, every blog post has a “featured image,” which adds visual appeal to your post and stands out in the main blog directory.

You can assign existing categories to your posts or create new ones to segregate your content better. This flexibility is useful if you're exploring multiple niches or themes.

GoDaddy offers an optimal environment if your blogging requirements aren't overly complex.

GoDaddy Pricing

GoDaddy offers a range of pricing plans, each structured with both initial and renewal rates:

1. Basic Plan

  • Initial Rate: £6.99 per month.
  • Renewal Rate: £9.99 per month.

2. Standard Plan

  • Initial Rate: £8.99 per month.
  • Renewal Rate: £12.99 per month.

3. Premium Plan

  • Initial Rate: £11.99 per month.
  • Renewal Rate: £16.99 per month.

4. Ecommerce Plan

  • Initial Rate: £12.99 per month.
  • Renewal Rate: £19.99 per month.

Positives of GoDaddy

  • Consistent 24/7 customer support available via various channels — chat, phone, and GoDaddy's online Help Center.
  • Focus on domain registration, making it a central feature of their platform.
  • User-friendly interface that is both intuitive and easy to set up.
  • Seamless integration capabilities with social media platforms and email marketing tools.

What Could Be Better

  • Broader customization features: GoDaddy's website builder, when compared to competitors, might fall short in offering a comprehensive range of customization options.
  • Expansion of app integrations: While other platforms provide access to extensive app stores, GoDaddy lags in this area.
  • An increase in the collection of free templates would enhance the user experience and choices.

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Durable: Ease of Use and User Interface

A Durable AI-driven process instantly creates a basic layout and design tailored to the user's needs. After this swift AI process, users can modify and customize their website.

Wix has an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. This means that, even without technical know-how, users can select elements and move them around to position them as desired. But, this can also be overwhelming for some, especially those who want a quicker solution without much tinkering.

GoDaddy offers a more guided experience. Instead of free-form drag-and-drop, it uses section-based editing. This simplifies the process and reduces the time it takes to build a site, but it may limit the depth of customization a user can achieve compared to Wix.

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Durable: AI-Enhancements and Automation

The strength of Durable lies in its robust AI integration, not just in site creation but throughout its features. From auto-generating blogs to crafting ad campaigns, AI is a consistent assistant, making processes smoother and more efficient.

Wix offers an AI feature called Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence). It guides users through a series of questions and then crafts a website based on those answers. However, it's a one-time setup, and the AI's role diminishes post-generation.

For GoDaddy, their builder includes some AI guidance, especially when setting up the website initially. It provides theme and layout suggestions. However, its AI features aren't as deeply embedded as in Durable.

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Durable: SEO Capabilities

Durable's standout feature is its AI-driven SEO optimization. As the website is generated, the AI ensures keywords relevant to the business and industry are seamlessly integrated. Though it might not have an extensive SEO tool suite like Wix, the AI solidifies the foundational SEO work.

Wix offers a robust suite of SEO tools, guiding users through best practices like meta descriptions, alt texts, and more. It provides a step-by-step SEO plan through SEO Wiz to help even beginners get on track.

While GoDaddy includes basic SEO tools, they aren't as extensive as Wix's. GoDaddy offers keyword suggestions and basic site optimization, but users might need external tools or expertise for advanced SEO.

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Durable: In-Built Marketing Tools

Durable has an AI-enhanced marketing suite. From generating compelling Google Ads to crafting engaging email campaigns, Durable's AI ensures marketing efforts are AI-driven and efficient.

Wix offers Ascend, a business tool suite covering everything from live chat to email marketing. This makes it a one-stop-shop for many businesses, especially if they're keen on centralized operations.

GoDaddy's marketing focus has largely been on email campaigns, with integrated tools for list building and email blasts. It's functional but not as diverse as what Wix or Durable offers.

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Durable: Pricing and Value for Money

Durable's pricing stands out for the sheer value at each tier. Even the basic package offers access to advanced AI features, ensuring startups or small businesses can leverage high-end tools.

Wix offers multiple pricing tiers, each unlocking more features. Some advanced features, however, are limited to the higher tiers, making it a more significant investment for complete access.

With its pricing, GoDaddy bundles website building and hosting. It's a straightforward package system, but like Wix, some advanced features are reserved for higher tiers.

Wix, GoDaddy, or Durable: Which Should You Choose?

After our comprehensive evaluation, let's break down the strengths and weaknesses of each platform using a scoring system. 

This should give you a clearer picture of which platform suits your needs best.

Feature Wix GoDaddy Durable
Ease of Use & User Interface 4.6 4.2 4.8
AI-Enhancements and Automation 4.5 4.1 4.8
SEO Capabilities 4.8 4.4 4.6
In-Built Marketing Tools 4.9 4.3 4.7
Pricing & Value for Money 4.5 4.4 4.9
Customer Support 4.7 4.3 4.8
Integration & Expandability 4.6 4.2 4.5
Flexibility & Customization 4.5 4.1 4.7
Average Score 4.6 4.3 4.8

Get Started with Durable

Imagine having a fully functional, SEO-optimized website ready in just 30 seconds. There’s no need to imagine any longer! 

Durable’s AI website builder ensures your website is fast and tailored to your industry.

Furthermore, once the AI has built your site, Durable offers an intuitive editor that makes customization easy and fast.

Beyond just website creation, Durable integrates AI tools for CRM, blog creation, invoicing, and marketing. These tools help streamline operations, ensuring you attract visitors and efficiently manage leads and client communications. With a 90-day free trial and no credit card required, you can get started with no risk today. 

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Get started with Durable in three clicks. It's free to generate a unique website for any business using AI.

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