Customer Stories

Little Cooks Club

See how Durable helped small business owner, Jessica Dennis, transform her passion into a thriving business.

Vancouver, B.C.
Cooking Classes
Website Builder

Jessica Dennis turned her passion into a paycheque when she launched her small business, Little Cooks Club. Little Cooks Club includes summer camps, cooking classes, and birthday parties for kids ages 3-13.

For Jessica, having a website for her small business was essential. As a mom of two, small business owner, and part-time teacher, Jessica needed something fast, simple, and high quality. She didn’t have time to work with a web designer or go through a long process. That’s when she found Durable’s AI Website Builder.

“Start your website. Just start with that. Put something out there. Building a business is hard work but all it takes is baby steps. Do one thing at a time and if you’re passionate, you’ll see it come together.”

“Durable is such a seamless and user-friendly process. I feel like you could be someone who has no idea how to even turn on a computer and you could use Durable to build your website easily.”

Jessica customized her website with her colors, logo, images, and booking information. Her Durable website has been crucial to her success. She sold out 4 summer camps and all classes within the first three months of having her website up and running. And she even opened up birthday parties due to high demand. As a busy mom on-the-go, the Durable mobile experience is key.

You could be someone who has no idea how to turn on a computer and you could easily use Durable to build your website.

About us
We make owning a business easier than having a job.
With Durable, anyone with a skill, idea, or goal can create a successful business in seconds. Don't just take our word for it — Durable is trusted by 1M+ business owners and counting.
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