July 3, 2023
minute read

Optimize Your New Website in 4 Easy Steps


So, your Durable website is live. Congrats! Whether you’re just starting or scaling your business, a website is one of the best ways to level up quickly.

But if you’re asking yourself “so, now what?” you’re not alone. Deciding what to do after getting your website up and running can be daunting. Do you optimize your SEO? Start marketing? Start cold calling clients? All of those are excellent options, and you can by all means start right away. 

Our advice? Take five to ten minutes to tackle a few key things that will really make your website shine (and attract more traffic). 

Whether you’re about to generate your blog and start content marketing or purchasing some pay per click ads, here’s a quick checklist (and how-to guide) for getting your website in the best possible position for traffic, leads, and that sweet, sweet revenue. 

Step 1: Create an "About us" page

A website is an awesome first step in building legitimacy and trust with your

customers. The next best step? Tell them a little about you and your business. 

Your About page tells the story of your business. There’s no one way to tackle an About page. But however you write it, it should give customers an idea of: 

  • What you do (and what regions you serve)
  • How you do what you do
  • Why you do what you do 

If you can include high resolution photos of your work, yourself, or your team, all the better! It’s generally a good idea to list your hours of operation and links to any other channels you might be active on (Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, etc).

Sound like a lot of work? We’ve made it easy for you. Follow these steps and you’ll be putting the final touches on your About page in just a few minutes: 

1. Go to your website editor 

2. When in your website editor, hit the “+” sign next to “Home” (or whatever you’ve named your homepage) in the upper right corner

3. Scroll down the “Add page” modal to find “About” 

4. We’ll generate a page for you. As always, you can customize any text, images, or sections we generate as much as you like. 

Boom! That’s step 1 of optimizing your new website, done and dusted 

Step 2: Create a Google Business Profile Listing: 

Think of any business you trust. Chances are they have a Google Business Profile listing. You know the one: it’s that featured “business” section that includes hours, a Google map listing, hours of operation, and a Google starred rating. 

Well, guess what? You too can have a Google Business Profile listing! It’s free, and takes just a few minutes to set up. We wrote a simple step-by-step guide for getting set up right here

You don’t have to have a Google Business Profile listing before you start marketing or progressing your business. But it’s a very solid and simple way to boost your business’s legitimacy and visibility on Google in a very short amount of time. 

Step 3: Add Page Titles and Descriptions to Your Website 

This one’s easy. Adding simple page titles and descriptions to your website will help you show up more frequently (and higher up!) in Google search. 

Page titles are the titles that you see in any tabs in your browser. These ones: 

It might seem like a small thing, but they go a long way in boosting the visibility of your business in search engines. 

Similarly, page descriptions are the little blurbs you’ll see on listings in Google. These ones: 

Both of these are small tweaks that can carry a big effect. They increase the visibility of your website on Google, and both are an excellent way of optimizing your website for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Google uses page titles and descriptions index and determine where your website should appear in search results.

Sound technical? Well, it can be. But we’ve made it simple. You can automatically generate page titles and descriptions using Durable AI. 

1. Click on your page title (just left of the + sign) in the upper right corner of your website editor.

2. Hit the three vertical dots beside the page you want to modify.

3. Now simply hit “Generate” beside “Title” and, after scrolling down, “Description.” We also recommend generating an image selection, but you can upload your own as well. 

Take 45 seconds to complete this on all of your sub pages, and that’s Step 3 dialled! 

Step 4: Create Additional Sub Pages

This post is related to Step 1, but takes things a step further. 

You’ll want to add additional sub-pages to your website beyond your Home and About pages. We recommend adding a Services, Contact, and (if you have them) Testimonials page. 

Why? Well, it makes your site look much more official, organized, and legitimate. Again, it builds trust. But it also gives your visitors a crystal clear idea of where they can and should to access specific information on your website. 

Just like the About page step, hit that little “+” in the upper right and scroll through our page templates. You can start from a blank slate as well, but if time is short, we’ve created some tried and true templates for you.

And that’s that! Four simple steps to take your website to the next level. Again, you don’t have to do these steps immediately after publishing your website. You might choose to start driving traffic to your website right away, or to add a blog to your website. 

Either way, all of the above will take you under ten minutes, and could pay-off big time in the very near future. 

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