February 6, 2023
minute read

Four Big February Updates from Durable


January is done and dusted, and we're buzzing with excitement from the thousands of businesses built with Durable. The diversity of entrepreneurs and businesses is mind-blowing, but we haven't taken much time off. To make Durable better than ever for everyone, we hustled hard to ship our February Durable update as quick as possible. Here's what's new.

Custom maps

We made some big changes to your business location map. You can now choose between several gorgeous map themes for your business location. Then, tweak corners, alignment, or add custom text fields (like parking instructions or directions for deliveries).

Satellite mode is definitely a highlight: 

For that lush, IRL feel, it's hard to go wrong with the satellite theme.

For a sleeker more modern look, dark mode has you covered:

Sleek, modern, refined. We're big fans of the dark mode theme.

Of course, there's always that classic aesthetic for the map purists out there:

Multiple testimonials

When customizing your website, you can now add multiple testimonials to the same content block. That means you can have all of your glowing testimonials in a single gallery that automatically scrolls across your homepage. Build trust with potential customers without taking over your whole page.

Build trust faster with multiple testimonials.

Custom contact form fields

Do you need your customers to supply a specific piece of information when getting in touch through your contact form? Edit or add custom fields to your contact form so you can request the exact information you need from the get-go.

Integrated scheduling

Thanks to a newly minted integration with Calendly, you can now invite your customers to book service appointments directly through your website. Calendly has its own customizable content block, so you can add it to your Durable website wherever it makes the most sense for you and your clients. Now get booking! 

A Calendly account is fast and easy to create, and does wonders for building a responsive, personable business that customers can trust.

Tidying up

We made a few refinements, polished some pixels, and humanely caught and released a few bugs for this month's update. Here's a a few highlights:

  • Fixed an issue with social media links on mobile
  • Solved an issue with embed objects not displaying
  • Ironed out wrinkles with the rich text editor
  • Tracked down a bug with business name length formatting
  • Added missing text with email previews
  • Resolved an error with custom domain requests

That'll do it for our first February update! Next up? Well, we can't give *too* much away. But it's set to be our biggest update since we launched our AI website builder, so *definitely* stay tuned...

Noticed something we missed? Let us know over on Twitter or by sending us an email (support@durable.co).

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