October 29, 2023
minute read

Drupal vs. WordPress vs. Durable: Which CMS is Best For You?


Imagine launching your dream website, only to find updating content is a nightmare, or worse, your site's performance is sluggish, pushing visitors away.

The problem is often the underlying website builder or CMS you've chosen. 

As with most tools, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

In this guide, we’ll analyze three prominent platforms:

  • Drupal, a highly flexible open-source CMS.
  • WordPress, the most widely used CMS with an extensive ecosystem.
  • Durable, an innovative AI website generator leveraging AI for swift website creation and integrated business tools.

We’ll provide insights to guide you in making an informed decision based on your unique requirements.

Drupal vs. WordPress vs. Durable at a Glance

Drupal is heavyweight and geared towards developers and larger organizations. It offers intricate customization capabilities with a focus on robust security. 

The main difference between Drupal and WordPress is that Drupal leans towards those with deeper technical skills. WordPress is more user-friendly. It’s for beginners and intermediate users. It's ideally suited for bloggers, small to medium businesses, or anyone looking for a more straightforward approach to website building.

However, if the complexities of Drupal feel intimidating and the open-mindedness of WordPress overwhelming, Durable is a game-changer. It leverages the power of artificial intelligence to craft tailored, SEO-optimized websites in 30 seconds. Durable also offers integrated AI tools, simplifying various aspects of business management.

Feature Drupal WordPress Durable
Ease of Use and Customization Developer-focused; customizable with modules. User-friendly; wide range of themes and plugins. AI-assisted customization; intuitive interface.
Modules/Plugins/Extensions Over 40,000 modules. Over 59,000 plugins. AI tools; Calendly and Stripe integrations.
Performance and Speed It can be resource-intensive with many modules. Affected by the number of plugins and how optimized the theme is. AI-optimized for top-tier performance.
Security Robust with core updates. Depends on the security of themes/plugins. DDOS protection, SSL, firewall, global CDN.
AI Capabilities Limited; some modules offer AI, like OpenAI / ChatGPT / AI Search Integration. Some AI plugins are available. For example, AI Engine, GenGenie, etc. Comprehensive: design, content, CRM, Business name generator, and more.
Content Management Advanced with custom content types. Comprehensive as the CMS was initially for blogging; expandable with plugins. AI-driven content management and blog generation.

Drupal Overview

Drupal is an open-source CMS that allows individuals and organizations to create and manage a wide range of websites, from simple blogs to intricate web applications.

Built on PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License, it's designed to provide flexibility and scalability, enabling developers to craft tailor-made websites.

Drupal operates on a system of “modules.” By adding or removing modules, you can introduce new features or take away functionalities.

Drupal is a great choice for enterprise-level websites. Here are a few use-case scenarios:

  • High-traffic websites: Drupal can handle thousands of concurrent users and has powerful in-class caching to speed delivery.
  • Multilingual Websites: The new version, Drupal 8, has extensive multilingual features right out of the box, making it a great choice for international corporations with a global reach.
  • E-commerce Platforms: Drupal integrates with numerous payment gateways and has an extensive API for further customization.
  • Educational Institutions: Many top universities — University of Colorado — use Drupal because of its flexibility, scalability, and the ability to handle large amounts of content and users.
  • Government Websites: Governments often choose Drupal because of its high standards for security and accessibility.

Drupal Core Features

  • High Flexibility and Customizability Through Modules
  • Suitable for Large, Complex Websites or Web Applications
  • Robust Security Features

1. High Flexibility and Customizability Through Modules

Drupal’s flexibility and customizability are driven by its modular architecture.

Modules in Drupal are like plugins in other CMS platforms. They act as extensions that offer a wide range of functionalities.

Rather than offering a platform where every feature is tightly integrated, Drupal provides a basic framework. From there, you can enhance and extend your site's capabilities by adding modules tailoring your website to meet unique requirements. 

This means that every Drupal site can be as lightweight or as feature-rich as necessary, depending on the modules selected.

Some examples of Drupal modules include:

  • Node Module: This is a core module that manages basic content.
  • Field and Field UI Modules: These core modules manage fields.
  • Menu UI Module: Manages navigation menus.
  • Views and Views UI Modules: These modules make lists, grids, and blocks from existing content.

One of Drupal's major strengths is the ability to develop custom modules. While the existing module repository is expansive, unique projects might demand unique functionalities.

With Drupal's framework, you can create tailored modules from scratch. 

Also, modules in Drupal depend on others to function optimally. For instance, a complex e-commerce module might rely on a separate module for payment gateway integration. This inter-dependency ensures that functionalities are not repeated, making the system more efficient.

However, interactions between multiple modules sometimes introduce performance overheads. While Drupal only runs activated modules, having many modules interacting can still slow down a website, especially if they are not well-optimized.

2. Suitable for Large, Complex Websites or Web Applications

Drupal is a top contender for hosting large, intricate websites or web applications. Why?

Large websites often require intricate content categorization and tagging for easy retrieval and navigation. Drupal’s core offers a robust system to create, manage, and apply these taxonomies, making content management for extensive sites easy.

Third, Drupal's user role management system allows the creation of custom roles with specific permissions. You can grant access precisely where needed and restrict where not.

Finally, Drupal 8 offers built-in multilingual features, allowing content translation and localization. This is useful for complex sites, especially those serving a global audience.

Here are more reasons why Drupal is suitable for complex sites:

  • API-first Approach: It's designed to integrate seamlessly with other platforms and technologies.
  • High Performance and Scalability: Drupal has caching mechanisms and the ability to integrate with advanced hosting solutions.
  • Extensive Theming Options: For large sites aiming for a unique look and feel, Drupal has a powerful theming layer. The platform offers over 3000 themes.

3. Robust Security Features

Drupal is used by institutions like banks, government, and healthcare for its powerful security features.

Drupal has a dedicated security team that actively shares security reports with the community. This transparency ensures that developers and site administrators are always aware of potential vulnerabilities and can take precautions.

Automation also plays a critical role in maintaining security.

Drupal has an auto-update feature, where core functionalities get updated automatically, reducing the chances of vulnerabilities. They partner with GitHub to ensure the core is consistently validated and threat-free.

Drupal has security features to mitigate Denial of Service (DOS) attacks. They have in-built mechanisms to detect abnormal traffic patterns and mitigate the effects of such attacks.

Drupal Pricing

Drupal is an open-source platform. The core software is free to use. However, there are associated costs.

  • Hosting cost: Hosting costs range from shared hosting plans that start at a few dollars per month to dedicated servers or cloud hosting that costs hundreds or even thousands of dollars monthly depending on the scale of your project.
  • Development costs: Drupal is not user-friendly like Durable. So, if you don't have in-house expertise, hiring developers costs anywhere from $50 to $200+ per hour based on their expertise and location.
  • Additional Costs: Marketing or SEO tools, regular updates, security patches, and site maintenance are important. There will be ongoing costs if you hire developers or an agency for this.

Positives of Drupal

  • Drupal efficiently manages a vast volume of content and numerous users, which is ideal for large teams across different departments.
  • Despite its complex initial setup, Drupal offers ease in website modifications post-setup.
  • Security features make it a trusted choice for sectors where data protection and integrity are crucial.

What Could Be Better

  • Initial setup of Drupal is daunting and time-intensive.
  • There's a limited pool of true Drupal experts, making specialized assistance harder.
  • Drupal's dependency on PHP poses challenges for those unfamiliar with server-side scripting.

WordPress Overview

WordPress is also an open-source CMS. It lets you create, manage, and publish web content without extensive technical knowledge. It's built on PHP and MySQL.

Unlike Drupal, WordPress was initially a blogging platform. Its intuitive design and a vast ecosystem of themes and plugins allow even those with minimal technical know-how to set up and run a blog relatively easily. 

The WordPress dashboard, post editor, and customizer are all designed to be easy to use. Users can publish content, make design changes, and add functionalities without delving into code. 

WordPress offers customizable themes — 11,314 free themes — ensuring that websites have a unique look and feel.

WordPress is best for blogs or medium-sized businesses. For example, bloggers, especially those without technical backgrounds, need a platform that's easy to navigate. WordPress's interface is straightforward, allowing authors to focus on content creation rather than technicalities.

WordPress dashboard

Although WordPress is popular for small to medium-sized enterprises, it is recognized and employed by some of the world's most renowned entities.

Two notable names that trust WordPress for their online presence include Whitehouse.gov and The New Yorker.

WordPress can efficiently traffic, vital for websites like Whitehouse.gov and The New Yorker that receive substantial traffic. Its flexibility ensures that as the needs of these entities evolve, the platform can adapt and grow alongside them.

WordPress Core Features

  • Extensive Plugin Ecosystem
  • User-Friendly With a Gentle Learning Curve
  • Versatile: From Blogs to E-commerce

1. Extensive Plugin Ecosystem

Plugins extend or add functionality and features to the website without altering the core programming of WordPress.

With over 59,000 plugins available in the official WordPress repository and thousands more from third-party developers, you can add a lot of functionalities to your site, from e-commerce solutions and SEO tools to social media integration and advanced galleries.

Most plugins have settings and configurations, allowing users to tailor their functionalities according to their preferences. 

Setting up a plugin in WordPress

Despite the advanced functionalities many plugins offer, they are designed to be user-friendly. Those with limited technical knowledge can easily install, activate, and configure plugins from the WordPress dashboard.

The active WordPress community ensures that plugins are continually updated, refined, and expanded.

However, you do need to be careful here. Putting up too many plugins on your site will curb the performance and speed you’re able to offer to customers. Plugins can have overlapping functionalities as well, which will just put even more burden on your processing capabilities.

2. User-Friendly With a Gentle Learning Curve

WordPress is user-friendly, not to the extent of Durable, but better than Drupal. 

Many CMS options require substantial technical expertise, but WordPress simplifies website building and management.

After logging into WordPress, you’re greeted with an intuitive dashboard. The dashboard provides a clear overview of the site's content, updates, analytics, and more. Even users new to website management can easily navigate the primary functionalities, from creating a new post to moderating comments.

WordPress uses the WYSIWYG editor to enable users to format and preview content in real time. And with the new block editor, Gutenberg, customizing your website becomes even easier. If that’s too technical for you, you can even use a drag and drop editor with plugins like Elementor to make the process even simpler.

WordPress also offers numerous pre-designed themes, both free and premium. These themes provide a foundation that you can build upon.

3. Versatile: From Blogs to E-commerce

In its initial days, WordPress was seen as "just a blogging platform." But fast-forward to today, WordPress is a versatile platform capable of supporting everything from simple blogs to comprehensive e-commerce sites to complex government websites.

Using WordPress, it’s easy for users to publish posts, categorize content, and engage with readers through comments.

For example, by default, WordPress comes with categories and tags as taxonomies for posts, but the system is flexible enough to allow you to create custom taxonomies. So, beyond standard posts and pages, users can create unique content types (like product listings, testimonials, or event schedules) and categorize them. You can even make job postings on your sites and collect resumes like LinkedIn!

One of the most transformative developments in WordPress's history was the introduction of WooCommerce, a plugin that turns a WordPress site into a fully functional e-commerce platform.

With WooCommerce, businesses can list products, manage inventory, handle transactions, and even deal with shipping logistics. 

And if WooCommerce isn't the preferred choice, other e-commerce plugins and integrations offer alternative pathways.

WordPress Pricing

Like Drupal, the core WordPress software available from WordPress.org, is 100% free. You can download and install this open-source CMS on any hosting platform.

However, the costs start to come into play when considering aspects like hosting, themes, plugins, and other additional services. 

Positives of WordPress

  • User-friendly interface makes it an accessible tool for individuals looking to start their website or blog.
  • Entirely free to use, boasting a wealth of built-in features.
  • Comprehensive multi-language support, accommodating over 60 international languages, making it perfect for multilingual projects.
  • Flourishing active community provides assistance, insights, and innovations.
  • SEO-friendly design ensures websites rank well on search engines.
  • Highly scalable, catering to both small blogs and large commercial sites.
  • Designed with mobile responsiveness, ensuring sites look great on all devices.

What Could Be Better

  • Despite its user-friendliness, a learning curve might require external resources like online videos or articles or even hiring an expert.
  • The platform's open nature means it's easy to break things, especially with theme or plugin conflicts.
  • Frequent software updates, while beneficial, can be cumbersome to manage consistently.
  • Its widespread usage and open-source nature make WordPress a common target for cyberattacks.

Durable Overview

Unlike traditional content management systems that require a steep learning curve and manual configurations, Durable AI website builder leverages the power of artificial intelligence to streamline the website creation process. 

Our platform combines innovation with ease of use, becoming a go-to choice for those businesses and solopreneurs seeking fast and simple website solutions.

One of the most compelling features of Durable is the ability to build a website in 30 seconds.

By leveraging artificial intelligence algorithms, we eliminate the cumbersome steps of manual design and coding, instantly offering you a fully functional, aesthetically pleasing website. 

This is particularly beneficial for startups, SMEs, and professionals who wish to establish their online presence swiftly.

Our platform comes bundled with essential services typically fragmented in traditional CMS offerings. When you sign up, you will receive hosting, analytics, and a custom domain name.

The integrated approach simplifies website management, reducing the need to juggle multiple vendors or services. 

In addition, we take a proactive stance on SEO. Our platform automatically generates SEO-friendly pages, ensuring your site is optimized for search engines, thus enhancing online visibility.

Security, often a concern for businesses using WordPress, is a priority for Durable. Each website built on our platform is fortified with robust security measures, including the following.

  • Powerful DDOS protection
  • SSL encryption
  • A dedicated firewall
  • A global CDN - Cloudflare

Unlike Drupal and WordPress, traditional CMS frameworks that demand tech-savviness, Durable prioritizes immediacy and simplicity without compromising functionality.

Durable Core Features

  • AI-Driven Swift Website Generation
  • Integrated Suite of AI Tools for Business Management
  • Ideal for Businesses Looking for an All-In-One Solution

1. AI-Driven Swift Website Generation

With Durable, creating a website is straightforward. When you sign up, we only ask for three things:

  • The type of business you do
  • The location of your business
  • The name of your business

With this info, Durable AI builds a ready-to-use website for you. The website is also SEO-optimized. This means the website is designed to appear higher in search engine results.

Durable onboarding

Also, no two websites made by Durable look the same — each one is unique. The AI includes copy with keywords relevant to your business so people can find you more easily online.

Plus, your site will have pictures that match your industry. We also provide stock images if you want to change the generated images.

Once Durable AI generates your website, you can customize every element, ensuring it reflects your unique brand essence.

The Durable editor is intuitive and easy to use. Anyone can use it.

Durable editor

  • Start by signing up: To modify your website, you first need to sign up.
  • Customization: Our editor is so easy to use. If you want to adjust a particular section, click on it. A user-friendly control panel emerges on the side, letting you tweak text, switch images, or change colors. You see the changes in real time.
  • Iterate with the 'Regenerate' feature: If a section or entire site feels off, hit the 'regenerate' button. Durable's AI will instantaneously offer a fresh design.
  • Expand your site: Adding pages is easy for those wanting a more expansive website. In the editor, click the "+" icon at the top adjacent to “Home”. You’ll see page options. Click “Add” next to any of the displayed pages to take the page live on your site.
Adding pages to your website in Durable editor

2. Integrated Suite of AI Tools for Business Management

Our platform gives you a whole set of AI tools that help run your business more smoothly.

  • AI CRM for Small Businesses: Keeping track of customers is key. With our AI CRM, managing leads is easy. When someone fills out a form on your Durable website, our system automatically records it. It also sends back an automated, personalized response. You can even link your email with Durable. The AI will then craft unique customer replies based on your past chats.
  • AI Blog Builder: Blogs can boost your business, but we know creating and maintaining a blog is not easy. With our AI Blog Builder, you can set up a blog, and our AI will generate SEO-friendly blog content in just a few seconds. If you don't like what our AI creates, you can regenerate or edit the blog to your liking.
  • Google Ad Writer: Unlike Drupal or WordPress, which require third-party marketing integrations, we offer an integrated AI copywriter to help you with marketing. Durable AI copywriter will write catchy Google Ad copies, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, and Email Marketing copies for you. Instead of juggling separate tools, you do everything in one place.

With Durable, you get a full toolkit to help your business thrive.

3. Ideal for Businesses Looking for an All-In-One Solution

When picking a platform, businesses often face a dilemma: choose a CMS and juggle with additional tools, or opt for an out-of-the-box solution.

Unlike open-source CMS platforms like Drupal and WordPress, Durable offers a more streamlined experience.

With Drupal or WordPress, you find yourself looking for plugins for SEO, contact forms, or e-commerce features after setting up the website. And that's not counting the time and resources spent ensuring these plugins are compatible, secure, and regularly updated.

Durable, however, provides you with everything you need right out of the gate. 

From the moment you start, we present you with AI tools to build your website, manage your customers, create content, and even run marketing campaigns. 

There is no need to browse through thousands of plugins or worry about compatibility issues. Every feature is integrated seamlessly. You can focus on growth without getting bogged down by technical details.

Durable Pricing

At Durable, we offer three clear-cut pricing plans

  • Free Plan: $0/month. For those who just need a website! However, if you are looking use your website to produce a lot of content, that should only be a starting block.
  • Starter Plan: $12/month (Billed annually). For those just embarking on their journey or managing a side venture.
  • Business Plan: $20/month (Billed annually). For ambitious businesses aiming for significant growth.

Our paid plans include all our advanced AI tools.

We also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Feel free to explore and experiment, and if we’re not the right fit, you can cancel anytime.

Positives of Durable

  • Instantly crafts unique, SEO-optimized websites using AI.
  • Combines multiple business tools in one platform, from CRM to blog creation.
  • Offers transparent, all-inclusive pricing without hidden costs.
  • Continuously refines and optimizes tools as AI learns and evolves.

Downsides of Durable

  • May lack the deep customization capabilities for advanced users and developers.

Drupal vs. WordPress vs. Durable: Ease of Installation and Setup

While robust and capable of producing powerful sites, Drupal's setup is somewhat intricate. It requires certain technical prowess, particularly if you aim to make the most of its advanced features. A manual installation involves creating a database, uploading files, and configuring settings.

Known for its "5-minute installation," WordPress is geared towards ease of setup. Its famous one-click installation feature in many hosting platforms makes it a favorite for beginners. The installation involves setting up a database, uploading WordPress files, and then walking through the installation wizard.

Given its AI-driven nature, Durable simplifies the setup process significantly. Instead of manually configuring databases or uploading files, you input basic information about your business, and Durable AI crafts a complete website in seconds.

Drupal vs WordPress vs Durable: Customizability

Drupal boasts a flexible system of "modules" that can be added to enhance features. These modules range from SEO tools to e-commerce solutions, granting developers significant power to tailor sites according to their needs.

WordPress’ strength lies in its vast ecosystem of plugins. With over 59,000 plugins in its repository, WordPress offers limitless opportunities to customize and extend the capabilities of a website.

Durable harnesses the power of AI for swift website generation, offering users an intuitive way to customize their sites post-generation. Additionally, it doesn't require any coding knowledge.

Drupal vs. WordPress vs. Durable: Security

Drupal is known for its rigorous security standards, making it a favorite for government institutions. Drupal has a dedicated team of security experts who release security fixes and ensure the platform is less vulnerable.

While WordPress is secure, its popularity makes it a target for hackers. However, regular core updates and a vast array of security plugins protect sites.

Durable ensures every site is fortified with DDOS protection, SSL, and a firewall. With its AI integration, the platform remains ahead of traditional security challenges, offering modern solutions for website protection.

Drupal vs WordPress vs Durable: Integration and Extensions

Drupal offers integration with various third-party platforms through its modules. This means everything from CRM systems to marketing tools can be integrated, although it requires some technical know-how.

WordPress, given its widespread use, encourages most third-party tools and services to provide dedicated plugins for WordPress, simplifying the integration process.

While it might not have the vast array of extensions like Drupal or WordPress, Durable's integration with leading platforms like Stripe and Calendly ensures businesses have the tools to create an e-commerce website and operate efficiently.

Drupal vs. WordPress vs. Durable: Performance and Speed

Built for performance, Drupal can handle complex, content-heavy sites with ease. However, the speed varies based on the number of modules activated and the hosting quality.

WordPress generally performs well, but performance can dip with numerous plugins or on subpar hosting. You’ll also see a dip in performance if your theme isn’t made well. Caching plugins and optimized themes are often able to improve load times.

Given its modern, AI-driven architecture, Durable is engineered for speed. The streamlined nature of the platform, combined with features like global CDN, ensures websites load swiftly and offer visitors a seamless experience.

Drupal vs. WordPress vs. Durable: Who is Best?

After an in-depth evaluation of Drupal, WordPress, and Durable across various essential features, here are the scores for each platform. 

Each aspect was rated on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the best possible score.

Feature Drupal WordPress Durable
Ease of Installation and Setup 3.5 4.2 4.8
Customizability 4.2 4.4 4.8
Security 4.7 4.3 4.6
Integration and Extensions 4.4 4.9 4.5
Performance and Speed 4.0 4.3 4.9
Average Score 4.3 4.5 4.8

The choice of a content management system largely depends on your specific needs and expertise.

WordPress is the ideal choice for those just starting out or looking for a straightforward and beginner-friendly platform. Its intuitive design and vast plugin ecosystem make it an excellent choice, especially for bloggers or medium-sized businesses.

On the other hand, Drupal appeals to those with a bit more technical know-how. It's tailored for developers seeking in-depth customization options and robust security measures. Notably, it's a top choice for industries where data security is paramount.

However, Durable stands out for those seeking a balanced, cutting-edge solution. It merges simplicity with power. Leveraging artificial intelligence, Durable crafts a website in seconds and ensures it's optimized, unique, and tailored to your industry. Its integrated AI tools also streamline many business processes, from customer relationship management to marketing.

In essence, while WordPress and Drupal each have their areas of strength, Durable emerges as a versatile all-rounder.

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