July 16, 2024
minute read

The 18 Best Website Builders in 2024

Jessica Worb

The traditional route of building a website can be expensive and time-consuming. It requires hiring a web developer, a designer, copywriters, and a lot of back and forth to tweak each feature and get it just right.

But building a website doesn't have to be so complicated. With the help of AI, you can build one in seconds rather than weeks.

This article explores and reviews the best website builders available in 2024. 

From their ease of use, design flexibility, and e-commerce capabilities to their structures and customer support, we’ll delve into each platform's strengths and weaknesses.

Best Website Builders in 2024

  1. Durable - Best AI web builder for small businesses
  2. GoDaddy -  Best for marketing and SEO tools
  3. Squarespace - Best for website customization
  4. Wix - Best for building free sites
  5. Webflow - Best for designers and developers
  6. Shopify - Best for e-commerce
  7. WordPress.org - Best for blogging and content management
  8. Mixo - Best for landing pages and sales funnels
  9. 10Web - Best for managed WordPress hosting
  10. Duda - Best for integrating SaaS platforms
  11. HostGator - Best for e-commerce
  12. Strikingly - Best for one-page websites
  13. Web.com - Best for website building with hosting options
  14. Simvoly - Best for white-label solutions
  15. Bluehost - Best for easy WordPress site creation
  16. Editor X - Best for developers and designers
  17. Weebly - Best for easy page editing
  18. IONOS - Best for multi-language websites

If you are new to website builders and need help deciding what to try, we recommend Durable

Durable’s AI-powered Website Builder lets you generate an entire website for your business in just 30 seconds.

1. Durable

Best AI web builder for small businesses.

Durable is an AI-powered website builder suited for small businesses looking to build a strong online presence — with no technical knowledge or website design experience required.

With just three clicks, you can have a fully-designed website complete with copy, images, and contact forms.

Here is how it works:

  • Click “Generate your website”.
  • Enter the type of business you’re building. If you’re not sure where to start, click “See some suggestions.”
  • Type in your business location.
  • Enter your business name. Click on “See some suggestions” to get potential business names. 
  • Tap “Generate website” and your website will automatically generate, in under 30 seconds.

Features and Benefits

Quick AI Website Generation

Within 30 seconds, Durable's AI-driven technology crafts a website tailored to your business needs. In less time than it takes to brew a cup of coffee, you have a full website, with copy and images, ready to go live.

Simple Editing Tools

Durable’s intuitive editing tools allow for effortless changes, ensuring your site aligns perfectly with your brand and vision.

After the site has been generated, you can customize the sections to your liking. You can also click “Regenerate” to regenerate a section. You can also regenerate the whole website.

Another thing that makes Durable stand out is its mobile and tablet responsive design

When editing, you can toggle between the desktop version and the mobile version of your website to see how they look.

You don’t need to edit the mobile site. Durable templates are responsive, so your website automatically adjusts to different screen sizes.

Free Custom Domain

Durable offers a free custom domain for every website. A custom domain lets your audience find you easily and establish trust from the very first interaction.

You just need to sign up to get this custom domain. Already have a domain? No problem! You can also link to your existing domain with Durable. 

AI-driven Tools

Marketing is pivotal for any business. Durable has a suite of AI-powered tools, such as an AI Blog Builder, Brand Builder, CRM, Invoicing, and Analytics to help attract and manage customers.

You can capture leads and direct them to your Durable CRM by embedding lead forms in your existing websites.

You get access to all of these tools once you sign up.

Extra Features

Adding Pages 

With multi-page capabilities, you can categorize and present content in a structured and user-friendly manner. 

You can easily add more pages like:

  • Meet the Team
  • About Us
  • Blog
  • Testimonials
  • Privacy Policy

This lets you create a complex website that is multi-layered. Plus, when you add a new page, you don’t need to write the copy or source images yourself. Durable’s AI will generate all of the page content, like photos and text, for you. 

Adding Custom Code

If you have some technical knowledge, you can also add custom Javascript code in Durable to the header and footer. 

Adding custom code to your website

Durable ensures that creating a website is seamless, quick, and effective.

2. GoDaddy

Best for quick and hassle-free website setup.

GoDaddy, predominantly recognized for its domain registration and hosting prowess, has now carved a niche in website building.

GoDaddy home page

Their all-in-one visual web builder is tailored for small businesses and beginners. 

GoDaddy website builder has capabilities ranging from visual editing to e-commerce functionalities.

Features and Benefits

AI-generated Web Builder

GoDaddy launched the Small Business Generative AI Prompt Library to help you build a website in minutes.

Using the AI-powered tool, you answer a few questions, “What kind of website do you want” and “The name of your website.”

Then GoDaddy will generate a complete website for you.

GoDaddy AI-powered website builder

Mobile Responsiveness

All templates are optimized for mobile devices, guaranteeing a seamless browsing experience for visitors across different device types.

GoDaddy editor mobile view

Integrated Email Marketing & E-commerce

Businesses can directly reach out to their target audience and showcase their products all under one roof.

Setting up e-commerce and marketing on GoDaddy

3. Squarespace

Best for aesthetic-driven websites.

Squarespace has been consistently recognized as a website builder that offers both ease of use and advanced features. 

Squarespace home page

‍It has clean and modern templates that are very professional and visually appealing. 

The integrated Fluid Engine for drag-and-drop website building has made Squarespace stand out.

Squarespace offers hosting, a custom domain name, email marketing, and SEO tools.

Features and Benefits

Advanced Blogging Features

Squarespace offers blogging tools such as SEO optimization, content organization through tags and categories, the creation of newsletters, and even a members-only area for monetization.

Squarespace's blogging features stand out as an alternative to platforms like WordPress. 

E-commerce Integration

Most of Squarespace’s plans come with fully integrated e-commerce features, letting businesses of all sizes set up shop and begin selling.

You also get tools like analytics access to help you track your growth and refine your strategies.

Unlimited Bandwidth

With unlimited bandwidth, your website can handle many visitors and data transfers without incurring additional fees. This feature is particularly advantageous if you expect high traffic volumes or plan to have a website regularly sharing media-rich content like images and videos.

4. Wix

Best for versatility and customization.

Wix home page

Wix shines in its drag-and-drop capabilities, offering hundreds of stunning templates, making it an optimal choice for beginners and those looking for flexibility in design.

Its user-friendly interface, paired with an extensive range of design templates, allows for personalization and adaptability, fitting the requirements of various niches.

Features and Benefits

AI Website Builder

This Wix AI tool builds you a website in a matter of minutes. Chat with their AI creator and watch as your business website comes to life.

Third-party App Integration

You can integrate Wix with third-party apps like Salesforce, Hubspot, etc, to manage your workflows. Whether adding booking systems, social media plugins, or analytics tools, the integrations enhance your website's capabilities, ensuring it meets all users' needs.

Extensive Template Library

With over 800 design templates, users have vast options, ensuring they can find a style that resonates with their brand or personal aesthetic. 

Each template is fully customizable, allowing users to adjust and modify as they see fit.

Other Wix features include:

  • Wix App market
  • Advanced SEO tools - Like optimized site infrastructure, structured data markup, and Google Search Console integration.
  • Velo by Wix
  • Wix e-commerce

5. Webflow

Best for professional designers seeking total design flexibility.

Webflow home page

Webflow is recognized for its out-of-the-box design capabilities and high-quality output. 

Unlike many other website builders, Webflow strongly emphasizes giving designers complete design freedom without the need to write code. Designers can “take control of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a visual canvas.”

This makes it a go-to choice for professional designers and developers who want to bring their visions to life without the limitations that can come from templated solutions.

Features and Benefits

Visual CSS Designer

Imagine tweaking every design aspect visually. With this feature, you can adjust properties such as padding, margins, colors, and more while seeing real-time changes. 

Users can manipulate HTML and CSS and create interactions without coding.

Making Dynamic Content with CMS

Blending the power of a content management system with a website builder is no small feat. With Webflow's CMS, users can easily populate their designs with dynamic content.

This lets you create content-driven websites.

E-commerce Features

Webflow has robust tools to help you build an e-commerce store.

Because of its high customizability, you can edit every detail of your store, from the product page, the check-out page, the receipts, and even tailor your delivery methods to your products.

Webflow e-commerce also accepts payments from over 200 countries. They also support payment methods such as:

  • Google Pay
  • Credit cards
  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay

Extra features include:

  • Symbol and component system - Reuse design components easily.
  • Site backup and versioning - Revert to previous site versions with a click.
  • SEO tools - Built-in tools to optimize your site for search engines.
  • Hosting and security - Reliable hosting with fast performance and SSL included.
  • Collaborative tools - Work together with team members or clients on projects.

6. Shopify 

Best for e-commerce entrepreneurs and businesses

Shopify home page

Shopify platform stands out for its user-friendly interface, comprehensive e-commerce tools, and expansive app ecosystem.

Features and Benefits

User-friendly Dashboard 

Through an easy-to-understand interface, businesses can manage orders, view analytics, and adjust settings.

Shopify analytics

While the sheer amount of data might seem overwhelming, Shopify has intelligently compartmentalized information, making navigation intuitive. 

The dashboard’s design ensures that even users without a technical background can swiftly understand and operate their store without unnecessary complications.

Powerful E-commerce Tools

Shopify's success as an e-commerce platform results from its built-in tools designed to cater to every aspect of online selling. 

You can add products, set variants, track inventory, and set shipping parameters. 

Payment gateway integration, often a hurdle for many online stores, is simplified. With a global reach, Shopify offers multiple payment options suitable for various geographies.

Customizable Storefront

The platform offers a wide range of free and premium themes that cater to diverse business needs. 

These themes are optimized for performance, ensuring fast load times and mobile responsiveness.

Shopify App Store

Shopify's App Store has a repository of extensions designed to add specific functionalities to your store — over 8000 apps. 

  • Need a loyalty program? There’s an app for that.
  • Want advanced analytics? You got it.

 The apps are designed for seamless integration, ensuring the added functionalities are native to the platform.

Extra Features

  • Mobile Management - Manage your store on the go with the Shopify mobile app.
  • Multichannel Selling - Integrate and sell on other platforms like Amazon, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • Dropshipping Integration - Easily incorporate dropshipping models via apps like Oberlo.
  • SEO and Marketing Tools - Built-in features to optimize your store and drive more traffic.

7. WordPress

Best for flexible website creation and extensive customization.

Wordpress home page

NOTE: WordPress.org, not to be confused with its hosted counterpart WordPress.com.

WordPress.org is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) that powers a vast portion of the web — around 427 million websites use WordPress as of July 2024.

WordPress.org enables users to build anything from a simple blog to a comprehensive e-commerce store or a complex portal. 

Its strength lies in its vast ecosystem of themes and plugins, which allow for deep customization and functionality extensions.

It’s best suited for intermediate to advanced web developers or businesses looking to create complex and unique websites.

Features and Benefits

Open-source Flexibility

WordPress.org's foundation is built on open-source principles. This means that any developer, anywhere, has access to its core code and can modify, enhance, or tweak it to their heart's content. For businesses, this translates into the unparalleled freedom to craft a website that is unique in appearance and functionality.

Diverse Theme Ecosystem

Each theme is a different website design, pre-coded and ready to install. WordPress.org allows you to mould themes to reflect your brand perfectly.


Think of plugins as modular tools that you can plug into your website to add specific functionalities. This modular approach ensures the website grows with the business, adapting and evolving without requiring a complete redesign.


Wordpress Gutenberg Editor

WordPress.org's Gutenberg Editor lets you add elements like images and paragraphs to your content. 

It’s a block-based editor that transforms the content creation process into drag-and-drop.

Extra Features

  • Multilingual Capabilities - Create websites in multiple languages with ease. You use multilingual Plugins for this.
  • Mobile Optimization - Themes are designed to look great on all device sizes.
  • Community Support - WordPress.org has a vast community of experts and enthusiasts.

8. Mixo

Best AI website builder for start-ups.

Mixo home page

Mixo is an AI-powered website builder designed to assist entrepreneurs in swiftly launching and validating their business ideas.

By simply providing a brief description of your concept, Mixo will generate for you an entire website content within seconds. 

It offers a range of features, including:

  • Visually captivating landing pages that require no coding or design skills
  • Integrated email waiting list
  • Tools for gathering valuable customer feedback

Features and Benefits

Customer Feedback Collection

Mixo also offers tools to collect customer feedback, such as email, surveys, or interviews. This can help you validate your product ideas and gather insights from your target audience.

This feature comes in handy when pre-launching products and running beta programs.

Subscriber Management Tools

These tools help you collect and grow your subscribers. This can help you build an audience for your product or service.

You can also export these subscribers into marketing platforms and track stats with Google Analytics.

9. 10Web

Best for automated WordPress website building and management.

10Web home page

‍Designed to automate many aspects of the WordPress website-building process, 10Web streamlines both the creation and management of sites.

With its AI-driven website builder, premium plugins, and integrated hosting solutions, it's a favorite among businesses, freelancers, and agencies aiming for optimized WordPress websites without the typical complexities.

Features and Benefits

AI Website Builder

This feature allows users to replicate an existing website or design in minutes. 

Simply input a URL, and the AI builder recreates the site's layout, design, and elements on WordPress. It's a game-changer for those looking to migrate or draw inspiration from existing designs.

Automated WordPress Hosting

10Web also provides robust, automated WordPress hosting solutions. Its hosting is built on Google Cloud and ensures speedy site performance, regular backups, and top-notch security.

10Web Wordpress hosting

‍This all-in-one approach means you can focus on content and functionality rather than the technicalities of site management.

Premium Plugin Suite

10Web has a collection of over 50 premium WordPress plugins and extensions.

They're fully compatible, ensuring seamless integration without the usual plugin conflicts.

Website Speed Optimization

10Web places a heavy emphasis on website performance. With its automated 90+ PageSpeed score guarantee, websites built and hosted on 10Web are optimized for rapid loading, ensuring improved user experience and better search engine rankings.

Extra Features

  • Backup - 10Web automatically creates a backup daily and saves up to 10 days of restore points.
  • Image Optimizer - It compresses and optimizes images without compromising quality.
  • Analytics Integration - Uses a Google Analytics plugin to keep track of site metrics.

10. Duda

Best for agencies and SaaS companies — scalable design and client-centric web builder.‍

Duda home page

‍Originally formulated to cater to the mobile website era, Duda has since evolved into a complete web builder solution tailored for agencies, freelancers, and SaaS platforms. 

Duda simplifies client interactions and gives you robust design flexibility.

Features and Benefits

Drag-and-drop Editor with Widget Personalization

Duda's visual editor embraces a drag-and-drop mechanism. 

But the real pro feature is the widget personalization. Duda provides a vast library of widgets, each of which can be personalized based on user actions or demographics. This makes websites significantly more interactive and dynamic.

Duda says, “You can build custom widgets and make them available to your customers within the website editor.”

Client Management Tools

Duda's client management tools are a standout feature for agencies. These tools facilitate seamless collaboration between designers and their clients.

White-label Solution

Duda offers a comprehensive white-label solution, enabling agencies and businesses to rebrand the Duda editor as their own.

Duda white label menu

This offers clients a polished, professional presentation and empowers agencies to create their web design platforms.

Extra Features

  • E-commerce Integration - You can build an online store with ease.
  • Multilingual Capabilities - Build stores and reach global audiences with 

11. HostGator

Best for comprehensive hosting and web-building combo.

HostGator home page

HostGator is a website builder that delivers professional-looking websites without a steep learning curve.

Its website builder is powered by web.com.

Features and Benefits

Built-in Analytics

HostGator comes with integrated analytics tools. This grants you insights into traffic, user behavior, and other vital metrics. 

You get Google Analytics integration on Professional or Business plans.

Mobile-responsive Templates

HostGator has mobile-responsive templates. This responsiveness boosts user experience and can also aid in search engine rankings.

Extra Features

  • Social Media Integration - Easily link and display social media feeds using customizable social media buttons.
  • Free SSL Certificate - This enhances website security for you and your visitors.
  • Stock Photo Library - HostGator gives you access to 2 million free stock images.

12. Strikingly

Best for single-page layouts and rapid web creation.

Strikingly home page

Strikingly enables users to design compelling single-page websites with ease. 

These long-scrolling, beautifully crafted sites are perfect for portfolios, events, personal brands, and product launches.

For simplicity and story-driven designs, Strikingly is the ideal website builder.

Features and Benefits

Simplified Single-page Design

Strikingly's primary strength lies in its approach to single-page website design. 

With a focus on telling a coherent story, it lets users craft fluid narratives that lead visitors down a clear path.

It's ideal for showcasing a linear flow, like timelines, product journeys, or personal portfolios.

Built-in E-commerce Platform

Despite its emphasis on single-page layouts, Strikingly offers a robust eCommerce platform.

Strikingly e commerce store

Users can seamlessly integrate an online store into their website, allowing for product displays, shopping cart functionalities, and secure payment processing.

HTTPS Built-in

All websites get HTTPS automatically to enhance security.

Extra Features

  • Social Feed Integration - You can sync and showcase live feeds from social media platforms.
  • Custom Forms - Engage visitors with sign-ups, contact forms, surveys, and feedback forms.
  • Dedicated Blogging Platform - Share insights, stories, or updates effortlessly. Each blog has its own page.

13. Web.com

Best for comprehensive digital solutions and business growth.

Web.com home page

Web.com is a comprehensive platform tailored to help businesses establish a strong online presence. 

With its roots dating back to the early days of the Internet, Web.com has expanded its offerings to cover everything from domain registration to online marketing. 

Web.com serves as an all-encompassing hub.

Features and Benefits

Custom Website Design Services

For those who'd rather not go the DIY route, Web.com offers custom website design services. 

Their team of professionals can craft a site tailored to specific business needs. 

This ensures businesses have a unique and professionally curated online presence without investing time in design.

Intuitive DIY Website Builder

For the hands-on type, Web.com offers an intuitive website builder. You can create sites that reflect your brand's personality through a straightforward drag-and-drop interface. 

A vast library of templates ensures there's a starting point for every niche (over 150 professionally designed templates).

Online Marketing Solutions

Web.com integrates a suite of online marketing solutions.

  • Search engine optimization
  • Pay-per-click advertising
  • Social media marketing

The platform has tools and services to drive traffic and conversions.

Extra Features:

  • Website Security - SSL certification ensures your website is secure.
  • Email Solutions - They provide custom email addresses that resonate with your brand name.
  • Local Business Listings - Web.com helps amplify your local visibility with directory integrations.

14. Simvoly

Best for streamlined sales funnels and white-label solutions.

Simvoly home page

Simvoly offers robust tools for website creation and for crafting efficient sales funnels. It's tailored to businesses that aim to maximize their online conversions. 

Additionally, its white-label offerings have become a potent tool for agencies and professionals who wish to offer website solutions under their brand.

Features and Benefits

Drag & Drop Website Builder

Simvoly’s foundation is its drag-and-drop website builder. It allows users to create stunning websites without any coding skills. The design tool has customizable widgets and elements that make the process enjoyable and efficient.

Sales Funnel & E-commerce Integration

Simvoly has dedicated tools for building sales funnels. This means users can design customer journeys intended to convert.

The platform offers a structured approach to optimize conversions. Moreover, its e-commerce capabilities are robust, accommodating digital and physical goods.

White Label Solution

For agencies or professionals looking to expand their services, Simvoly offers white-label solutions. This allows them to provide website-building services to clients under their branding. Expanding business horizons without developing a tool from scratch is a lucrative opportunity.

Membership Areas and Paywalls

Simvoly offers tools to create membership areas within a website, allowing you to offer premium content or exclusive community access. 

Extra Features

  • A/B Testing Tools - Optimize content based on real-time performance data by A/B testing your website pages using built-in funnels.
  • Custom Check-outs - Ability to customize the shape and design of your check-outs.
  • 1-Click Upsells  and Bump Offers - Upsell products and services with every check-out.

15. Bluehost

Best for user-friendly WordPress design.

Bluehost home page

While Bluehost has cemented its reputation as a leading web hosting provider, particularly for WordPress, they’ve expanded its offering to simplify the web design process for users. 

Bluehost website builder is an intuitive tool that merges the flexibility of WordPress with the simplicity of drag-and-drop design. If you want the power of WordPress without delving into its complexities, this builder offers a delightful middle ground.

Features and Benefits

Seamless Drag-and-drop Functionality

Gone are the days when WordPress customization needed a steep learning curve. You can now design pages, rearrange elements, and introduce new sections with a simple click and drag, making the design process as intuitive as it gets.

Integrated WordPress Power

The beauty of Bluehost's Website Builder lies in its fusion with WordPress. Users aren't compromising on the extensive functionality and flexibility of WordPress. Instead, they're accessing it through a more user-friendly interface. This ensures the vast plugin ecosystem, SEO capabilities, and other powerful features of WordPress remain within arm's reach.

Real-time Editing Preview

The builder provides a real-time preview of changes, allowing you to instantly see how design tweaks or content additions will look to the end user. 

This immediate feedback loop speeds up the design process and ensures consistent aesthetics.

Extra Features

  • Custom WP Themes
  • Daily website backup
  • Online store with WooCommerce
  • Fast page load times - Leveraging Bluehost's robust hosting backbone for optimal performance.

16. Editor X

Best for advanced web design with responsive control.

Editor X home page

Editor X, brought to life by Wix, is a sophisticated web design platform tailored for designers and agencies who desire granular control over their website's responsiveness and layout. 

Combining the power of CSS with a visually intuitive interface, Editor X offers a harmonious blend of flexibility and usability.

Features and Benefits

Fluid Design System

Unlike traditional grid-based designs, the fluid design approach ensures that elements adjust and resize dynamically based on the viewport. 

It’s a step ahead in the responsive design realm, ensuring that websites look impeccable on every device.

CSS Grid Layouts

For designers who are well-versed in the intricacies of web design, Editor X offers the power of CSS grid layouts. 

This allows for pixel-perfect placement of elements.

Flexbox Technology

Embracing modern web design principles, Editor X incorporates Flexbox technology. This allows for intricate layouts that adapt dynamically to the content, ensuring a seamless design regardless of the content quantity or type.

Advanced Scrolling Effects

To add an extra layer of engagement, Editor X provides a suite of advanced scrolling effects. 

You can integrate parallax, reveal, and opacity effects to turn simple scroll actions into interactive design experiences.

Extra Features

  • Custom code integration - Infuse custom scripts for tailored functionalities.
  • Dedicated design assets - This is a vast library of fonts, icons, and images to complement designs.
  • Collaborative design - Team members can co-design in real time.
Editor X custom code feature

17. Weebly

Best for Quick and Intuitive Website Creation

Weebly home page

Weebly offers an intuitive platform tailored for individuals and small businesses.

With its user-friendly interface coupled with powerful tools, Weebly appeals to both novices and those with some web design experience.

Features and Benefits

E-commerce Capabilities

From product listings to secure check-out systems, Weebly provides the necessary tools to kickstart or manage online sales. 

Integrated payment gateways, inventory tracking, and customizable product pages make the selling process smooth.

Responsive Design Templates

Weebly offers responsive design templates. These ensure your website adjusts and looks immaculate on any mobile, tablet, or desktop screen.

App Center Integration

Weebly app center

To enhance the functionality of websites, Weebly boasts an App Center. This repository contains numerous third-party applications and plugins. You can integrate additional features seamlessly, from chatbots to social media feeds.

Extra Features

  • Site Statistics - Gain insights into visitor behavior and website performance.
  • Form Builder - Easily integrate contact forms, RSVP lists, or surveys.


Best for comprehensive digital solutions.

IONOS home page

IONOS website builder is particularly tailored for businesses and professionals seeking a comprehensive suite of tools, all under one digital roof. 

For those who prioritize robust infrastructure combined with a suite of digital tools, IONOS is the integrated solution.

Features and Benefits

Diverse Template Library

The platform boasts a wide range of responsive templates. These are designed considering various industries and professions, ensuring users find a design that resonates with their brand and message.

Integrated SEO and Marketing Tools

Driving traffic to a website is vital, and IONOS ensures you have the tools you need. In-built SEO tools guide you in optimizing your content while marketing solutions, like email campaigns, enhance outreach and engagement — rankingCoach SEO optimization tool.

Extra Features

  • Analytics tool
  • Presence Suite dashboard - To track everything in one place
  • Responsive design
  • Professional email

How to Choose the Best Website Builder for You

When choosing a website builder, the primary step is understanding your website's objectives. Are you creating a blog, an online store, or a portfolio? 

Different platforms excel in different areas. 

For instance, if e-commerce capabilities are vital, a platform like Shopify is more fitting. 

And if you're focusing on design flexibility and intricate layouts, Editor X or Webflow may be a stronger fit.

Ask yourself these questions to help you decide:

What’s the Learning Curve for Each Website Builder?

If you’re new to website creation, Weebly or Strikingly offers intuitive, drag-and-drop functionalities. 

Durable lets you create a website in only 30 seconds. You only need to answer a few questions. And once you’re site is generated, Durable’s AI allows you to regenerate and customize as many times as you like.

On the other hand, WordPress.org or Editor X cater more to those with a bit of technical know-how or design experience. 

Always consider the time you're willing to invest in mastering a platform versus your desired level of customization.

How Crucial Are Integrations and Third-party Apps for Your Website?

Integration capabilities significantly expand your website's functionality. If you foresee the need for specific third-party apps or integrations (like email marketing tools, reservation systems, or analytics), choose a platform that supports them. 

WordPress.org, known for its vast plugin ecosystem, is a frontrunner. 

However, Weebly and Wix also boast extensive app centers to boost site functionality.

What's My Budget for Website Building and Hosting?

Cost is a pivotal factor for many. 

While some platforms offer free tiers, they come with limitations or branded advertisements — like Wix. 

Understand your budget and compare it against the features offered by platforms within that range. 

Bluehost website builder, for instance, can be a cost-effective solution with hosting included, whereas Webflow might have a competitive price tag but offers advanced design capabilities.

How Important Is Mobile Responsiveness for My Website?

As of July 2024, people using mobile devices contribute to 61.95% of all website traffic.

So having a website that is mobile-friendly is a non-negotiable. 

Platforms like Durable, Squarespace, Duda, and Shopify pride themselves on advanced responsive design features. 

Always preview how your site looks across devices.

Do I Need Dedicated Support or Consultancy?

If you anticipate needing hands-on assistance, platforms like IONOS, which offer personal consultant services, can be invaluable. Knowing that dedicated support is just a call or message away can instill confidence, especially if you're new to web design.

Web builders like GoDaddy and Shopify don’t offer 24/7 customer assistance.

How Can I Ensure My Website's Long-term Scalability and Growth?

Your website today might not be your website tomorrow. As your business or purpose evolves, you'll want a platform that scales with you. 

Think about long-term needs, such as:

  • E-commerce growth
  • Increased traffic demands
  • Expanding content

Platforms like WordPress.org or Bluehost offer scalability, ensuring your site remains swift and efficient as it grows.

Getting Started With Your Ideal Website Builder

This article delved into the best website builders and their features.

To recap:

  • To leverage AI - Use Durable, 10Web, or Mixo.
  • For the aesthetic enthusiast - Squarespace and Webflow are your go-to platforms.
  • For e-commerce - Shopify is the best for online retail experience, though WordPress.org with WooCommerce is a close contender.
  • For beginners - For an intuitive and no-fuss experience, go with Durable, Weebly, and Strikingly.
  • For scalability and customization - WordPress.org offers flexibility with its vast plugin ecosystem.

If we were to recommend the best website builder for 2024, we’d say Durable. 

You can create an entire website in just 30 seconds and, after that, you’ll have a suite of AI-powered marketing tools that can help you grow your online presence from day one.

Small businesses run on Durable.
Get your website up and running in under 30 seconds.
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Jessica Worb

Jessica Worb is Durable’s Digital Marketing Manager. She’s based in Toronto, ON. You can find her sipping on an iced coffee, listening to a podcast, or catching up on the latest pop culture news. Connect with her on Instagram or LinkedIn.

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