January 11, 2023
minute read

Durable + Tutors: A Quick Guide


One of the biggest barriers to getting your tutoring website up and running is the time it takes to find, hire, and consult with a web designer. 

When you use Durable, you skip that step, and still impress potential clients with a contemporary, professionally designed website that looks great on mobile.

But don’t just take our word for it—try out Durable’s AI website builder for tutors for free. While you do, here are some tutoring-specific features worth trying out.

What makes Durable a smart choice for tutors?

Durable’s AI website builder uses artificial intelligence to plan, design, and lay out a website for your tutoring business in seconds. If you struggle with writer’s block, it will even create content for each section of your site.

Something need changing? Your new website is 100% customizable. Or, if you want to start fresh, just tell the AI website builder—it’ll create a brand new design from scratch.

Besides our AI website builder, Durable offers these powerful features for tutors:

  • Built-in CRM. Durable’s client relationship management (CRM) platform integrates with your site, making it easy to capture, track, and manage leads.
  • Google Ad writing. Advertising your business on Google? Our built-in ad writer generates Google Ads you can run ASAP to attract new business.

What to include on your Durable tutoring homepage

Here are some of the sections Durable can create for you on your homepage. Each is designed with online tutors in mind. Take some time to experiment with Durable’s AI website builder and see what works for you.

The hero image

Credit: Class World

Your hero image is the first thing new visitors to your tutoring website see. It’s your chance to set the mood and hint at what you have to offer.

In the Durable website editor, you can select from a variety of high quality stock photos selected by AI, or upload your own image. Write your own greeting and introduction, or have AI generate something for you. Anything the AI creates is fully editable.

The hero image is also a good place to feature a call to action (CTA), typically a button or link leading to another part of your site. Some tutors have their CTA point to their Services or Contact pages.

The Services section

Credit: Option E Tutoring

Unlike a hero image—which virtually every modern tutoring website features—a Services section is optional. However, it’s a great way to filter out prospects who aren’t a good fit, while encouraging good potential leads to keep scrolling.

Your Services section doesn’t need to be incredibly long or in-depth—a few images with descriptions of the services you offer will do. Eventually, you may want to link to separate, detailed services pages where potential customers can learn more.

In the Durable website editor, select Add Section > List. The editor will generate three images with accompanying text, which you can then edit.

Your About section

Credit: Learn Better Tutoring

Tutoring is a personal service, and the About section on your main page is your opportunity to talk a bit about who you are, your experience in the industry, and what you have to offer clients. 

To generate an About section for your page using AI, go to Add Section > Text. You can edit the text in detail once it has been generated.


Credit: Brain Boost Tutors

Testimonials are a great way to establish trust with leads and advertise some of your greatest strengths as a tutor.

The easiest way to get testimonials is to reach out to past students. If you haven’t already, consider making it part of your regular routine to follow up with students and get testimonials from them. A quick email or 10 minutes on the phone can net you a powerful piece of marketing.

The Durable website editor provides a specific feature for testimonials. Select Add section > Quote/testimonial. The editor will generate text which you can then edit.

Multiple testimonials appear in a carousel, each testimonial cycling through every few seconds. 

Contact form

Credit: Class World

Including a contact form on the main page of your site makes it easier for visitors considering your services to reach out ASAP—without the need to log into their email or get on the phone.

To include one on your main page, go to Add section > Contact form.

Embedded video

Credit: Brain Boost Tutors

Potential customers increasingly expect video content from businesses. Consider adding a video to your main page featuring testimonials from students or interviews with your staff.

The Durable website editor makes it easy to add videos to your page. Select Add section > Video. Then add the link to the YouTube or Vimeo video you’d like to embed.

Your location

Credit: Learn Better Tutoring

There’s a big difference between Paris, France and Paris, Texas. If you offer in-person tutoring services, including your location on your main page reassures customers that you’re local and easy to do business with. Simply go to Add section > Location.

Value-add content for your Durable tutoring website

Beyond your homepage, Durable will help you create a variety of pages for your website that add value for students, potential students, or anyone who wants to know more about what you have to offer as a tutor.

Your About page

Credit: French Teacher Bill

Your distinct brand as a tutor is a big part of what helps attract new students to your business. Consider including a separate page featuring your bio—including a headshot, a list of certifications, and a bit about your experience in the industry. Potential students are much more likely to connect with an individual than with a business.

Your Services page

Credit: Ninetyfive CPA

For someone new to tutoring, who doesn’t know exactly what it involves, hiring a tutor may be intimidating. By dedicating a page of your site to the services you offer, you can break down in greater detail exactly what you do for your students. That not only makes hiring a tutor less intimidating, it helps get prospects fired up for their learning journey.

Your Courses page

Credit: Brain Boost Tutoring

Creating a separate courses page lets you go into greater depth about the types of tutoring you offer. Experimenting with the AI website builder can help you find the best way to list your courses. However, if you’d like to set up a separate contact form for each course—so queries sent to your inbox are organized according to which types of classes potential students are interested in—go to Add section > Contact form for each

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