January 31, 2023
minute read

AI Stats: The state of artificial intelligence in 2023


At Durable, we live that AI life. Everyday we’re surrounded by a community of people who have embraced AI usage in their personal and professional lives, taking advantage of the technology’s ability to complete mundane or complex tasks, freeing us up to be more productive, creative, or to just relax for five dang minutes, jeez!

But we’re biased and so are the small business entrepreneurs who we work with. So we took a minute to see what people around the world think about AI, what they’re doing with it, and where it seems like it will go in the future. Happily, trends in AI seem to be heading in one direction: up! More technology, more users, more powerful, more useful—everyone and their dog is adopting AI in some form or another. All you have to do is look at some of these interesting artificial intelligence statistics to realize just how important AI will be—and in many cases, already is.

Economic trends in artificial intelligence

AI spreads around the world as fast as the internet can carry it (i.e. very fast) and it’s having a measurable impact on the global economy, as well as the AI marketplace itself. Here are a few highlight economic artificial intelligence facts:

  • The global artificial intelligence market is expected to reach a value of US$165 billion in 2023 and US$1.5 trillion by 2030. (Statista, 2022) 
  • Globally, the AI software market is expected to reach almost US$71 billion in 2023. (Statista, 2022) 
  • AI usage in agriculture is expected to grow from US$1.1 billion in 2019, to more than US$3.8 billion in 2024. Moo! (Statista, 2022) 
  • AI has the potential to increase profitability rates by 38% by 2035. (Accenture, 2017)
  • The natural language processing (NLP) market was valued at US$15.7 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach US$49.4 billion by 2027. (Market and Markets, 2022) 
  • The self-driving vehicle market is predicted to grow from US$27 billion in 2021, to US$62 billion by 2026. (Statista, 2022) 
  • Self-driving car manufacturers are expected to produce 800,000 vehicles annually by 2030. (Statista, 2021)

AI numbers related to employment

One concerning artificial intelligence trend is the transition from work done by humans to work done by computers and algorithms. But is it realistic to think that we’re all going to lose our jobs to AI? Turns out, probably not, but these statistics about AI replacing jobs tell more of the story:

  • The World Economic Forum found that 85 million jobs are likely to be replaced by artificial intelligence technologies by 2025. (Weforum, 2020) 
  • Another study estimated that up to 30% or 800 million jobs could be replaced by automation by 2030. (McKinsey, 2017)
  • The most likely jobs to be replaced by AI are cashier, driver, and translator. (Tidio, 2022) 
  • However, it is also predicted that by 2025, nearly 100 million jobs related to AI will be created. (Weforum, 2020) 
  • 50% of employers surveyed by the World Economic Forum said they accelerated automation of tasks in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. And you know who is great at automation? Your old buddy AI. (Weforum, 2020) 
  • Looking for a job in AI? In 2022, the most popular artificial intelligence roles were software engineer, data engineer, AI data scientist, and machine learning engineers. Hopefully you’re good at math! (McKinsey, 2022) 
  • Like many STEM fields, AI teams have a diversity problem: just 27% of AI employees identify as women and 25% identify as racial or ethnic minorities. Fortunately, some companies are working to change these numbers: 46% of organizations have active programs to recruit more women to AI teams, and 33% are searching for more visible minorities to contribute to artificial intelligence departments. (McKinsey, 2022)

Statistics on artificial intelligence for business

One of the sectors that is being helped the most by artificial intelligence technology is business. We’re not sure how much of that impact Durable is responsible for, but it’s definitely some. Here are some potential artificial intelligence future trends in business.

  • AI adoption by companies is growing: 35% reported using AI for business in 2022, and 42% reported exploring AI to help their businesses. That’s 77% of companies. Some of them will definitely end up using Durable. (IBM, 2022)
  • Many businesses are finding that AI is helping in specific ways: 54% benefit from AI cost savings (Durable offers excellent value), 53% have noted improved IT or network performance, 48% have used AI to upgrade their customer experience. (IBM, 2022)
  • It’s not all AI wine and roses—there are barriers to AI adoption. Some businesses say that AI is complicated or hard to use (34%), expensive (29%), or not scalable (24%). (IBM, 2022)
  • IBM research into the growth of artificial intelligence found these top factors affecting adoption: Advancements in AI that make it more accessible; need to reduce costs and automate key processes; increasing amount of AI embedded into standard off-the-shelf business applications; competitive pressure; demands due to the COVID-19 pandemic; pressure from consumers; directives from leadership; company culture; labor or skills shortages; and environmental pressures. (IBM, 2022) 
  • More than 50% of businesses responding to a McKinsey survey said that at least 5% of their digital budgets went to AI in 2022. That’s up more than 10% in just four years. (McKinsey, 2022)
  • 10% of Fortune 500 companies will produce content using AI technology in 2023. (Forrester, 2022)
  • 92% of big companies are seeing returns on their artificial intelligence investments and that number is expected to hit 98% in 2023. (Sloan Review, 2023) 
  • 40% of executives surveyed believe AI is prohibitively expensive, but that’s because they haven’t heard about Durable yet. (Harvard Business Review, 2018)
  • A Harvard study found that AI can result in a 50% increase in sales leads and reduce costs by up to 60%. (Harvard Business Review)

Statistics on AI in healthcare

AI isn’t just good for business, it can also be good for our bodies! AI technology is already being applied to healthcare and that trend is going to continue into the future as researchers, medical professionals, and hospital administrators discover new uses for artificial intelligence.

  • The AI healthcare market is worth about US$20 billion in 2023, and it’s expected to balloon to US$188 billion by 2030.
    (Statista, 2022)
  • AI drug discovery technology is expected to cut the cost of developing new drugs in half. (Accenture, 2017)
  • 35% of time spent on healthcare tasks across the industry could potentially be automated with AI technology. (EIT Health, 2020)
  • Routine administrative tasks can take up to 70% of a healthcare professional’s time. These are the kinds of tasks that can be easily automated with AI. (EIT Health, 2020)
  • 50% of European and North American doctors and 64% of Asia Pacific and South American doctors believe that most of their clinical decisions will be made with the help of AI by 2031. (Statista, 2022)

Artificial intelligence stats outside the office

AI isn’t just for countries, economies, and huge corporations. You can also use it to help manage your day-to-day life, hear the weather forecast, or play some Carly Rae Jepsen tunes. Here are some amazing statistics about artificial intelligence use at home.

  • Interested in huge artificial intelligence growth statistics? During 2023, the number of AI voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Google will exceed the number of humans on Earth, reaching 8.4 billion by 2024. (Statista, 2022)
  • 27% of the worldwide population uses voice search on their mobile devices. (StartupBonsai, 2023)
  • What’s the most accurate AI voice assistant? Google Assistant, which answers questions correctly about 93% of the time. (Deepwater Asset Management, 2019)
  • The market for wearable AI devices like smartwatches and fitness bands is expected to reach US$180 billion by 2025. (Global Market Insights, 2019)
  • 41% of consumers believe AI will improve their lives. (Strategy Analytics, 2017)
  • Only 33% of consumers think they use AI technology today, when in reality, 77% of consumers actually regularly use AI tech. (Pega)
  • One place a lot of people use AI all the time without realizing it? Netflix, whose AI recommendation engine is worth US$1 billion. (Business Insider, 2016)
  • More than half (57%) of all Americans are willing to ride in self-driving cars. (U.S. News, 2019)
  • Do you live in China? It’s likely that you’ll soon be riding in autonomous vehicles most of the time. Researchers estimate that by 2040, 66% of kilometers traveled will be in self-driving cars. (McKinsey, 2019)
  • Scientists at Oxford University have developed an AI that can read lips with 93% accuracy, which is better than the human accuracy rate of 60%. This could improve accessibility for people with hearing conditions. (BBC, 2016)

AI statistics on sustainability

You might not think that the beeps and boops in your average AI tool could help save the environment. But they can! A few stats around AI, sustainability, and the environment.

  • AI is expected to help organizations achieve up to 45% of their Economic Emissions Intensity goals by 2030. (Statista, 2022)
  • IBM found that 66% of companies are using AI to reach their sustainability goals, which is way better than using AI to destroy the planet—we’re looking at you Skynet. (IBM, 2022)
  • AI used in environmental applications could cut 4% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, while contributing up to US$5.2 trillion to the global economy and creating 38.2 million net new jobs. (PwC)
  • AI and machine learning technology can help to reduce energy footprints in buildings. One study found that AI tech cut energy costs by 35% and reduced energy consumption 25-70%, depending on the building system being used. (ScienceDirect, 2022

Okay, how about chatbot statistics?

The world is buzzing with the release of ChatGPT. Developed by OpenAI, it’s a GPT-3 chatbot that can mimic human conversation, as well as answer questions, like how old is Tom Cruise or what’s the capital of Mongolia (60, Ulaannbaatar). ChatGPT allows users to talk to GPT-3 naturally, which allows it to be used by the average person, rather than just computer scientists. Arguably, it's the single biggest moment in AI yet.

User-friendly chatbots like ChatGPT are not just a current trend in artificial intelligence—they could be the future of user interfaces, allowing us to interact with technology in the same way that we interact with each other. Only time will tell, but for now, here are some GPT AI chatbot adoption statistics.

  • 54% of service organizations are using or planning to use a GPT chatbot AI (or similar tech) as part of their business. (Salesforce, 2022)
  • AI chatbots improve customer service: 64% of customer service agents using AI chatbots spend most of their workday solving complex problems, compared to just 50% of service agents without access to chatbot tech like ChatGPT. (Salesforce, 2022)
  • 68% of customer service workers have seen a reduction in call and email volume thanks to chatbot technology. (Salesforce, 2022)
  • By 2024, consumer spending via chatbots is expected to reach US$142 billion, a huge increase over 2019, at just US$2.8 billion. (Insider Intelligence, 2022)
  • Globally, 40% of internet users prefer interacting with chatbots. (Insider Intelligence, 2022)
  • By 2025, 95% of customer interactions will involve AI technology like chatbots. (AI Business, 2017)
  • Just 10% of customers rated their last chatbot experience as negative. (Tidio, 2023)
  • The average chatbot conversation is just 5.7 messages long. (Tidio, 2023)
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