The only AI CRM for small businesses

Respond to leads, organize contacts, and instantly generate client communications with Durable's AI CRM.

Generate website
CRM feature on Durable
Mobile view of CRM on Durable
Book jobs faster with artificial intelligence
Secure more jobs with AI-powered customer relationship management tools designed to help you grow.
Keep track of your clients data
Receive customer messages on Durable
Email headline
Email sync on Durable
Create custom emails with AI
Automated Replies
Instantly follow up with new customers
Create an automated response to any contact form requests submitted to your Durable website.
Auto-reply your customers email with AI
AI Generated Responses
Send personalized responses in one click
Sync your email to Durable and instantly generate unique customer responses based on past messages.
Sync your business email
Read messages from your customers
Aol logo
Yahoo logo
Gmail logo
OneDrive logo
Outlook logo

Grow your business

Use built-in automation tools to turn website traffic into new customers.
Lead generation form
Every website includes a lead generation form with easy to set up AI responses.
Email sync
Send AI generated or manually created emails right from the Durable app.
Contact organization
Organize your growing list of contacts with custom fields.
Automated reviews
Send review requests to boost your Google reviews rating and reputation.
Durable logo
Try Durable free today
Build a website and get your business online in minutes.
Generate your website
Generate your website
No credit card required.